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 | Elder Bob T McRae Contact Info Hidden - Login
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| | | Served: 1991 - 1993 | Areas Served: Mason City, Boone, Warshington, West Des Moines, Cedar Falls, Des Moines (Downtown) | Companions: Joseph Croft | Jayson *Gunther* Evans | Troy J. Hickman | Chris Poulsen | Your Occupation: Financial Manager | Spouse: Engor Brooks | Comments: Engor and I have 4 children, 1 boy, 3girls. We are living in Farmington. I'm working at the Utah State Board of Regents Student Loan Purchase Program, in the Gateway. I graduated from the U with a Finance degree. I am serving as the 1st Counselor in the Bishopric (hope this doesn't weaken anyone's testimony). Life is treating us well, we think of our time in Iowa often and would love to return. It's easy to make excuses with 4 kids. We would love to hear from anyone. If you haven't registered on Woolf's web page yet please do it so we know what you're up to. So long and hit it hard! |
Created: 21 Mar 2001 Modified: 02 Sep 2005 |
Last Login: 02 Sep 2005 05:11:52 PM |
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