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Location Recommendation 13 May 2015
Our family is planning on living in Italy for 6-9 months (starting in September 2015). I served a mission in Portugal and my wife served a mission in France. We have 7 children (see profile photo) - ages 15,12,9,7,5,3,2.

We are looking for suggestions of where there might be a good ward/branch that our kids would have other kids/youth AND where our family can contribute to the church in that area. As both me and my wife served in Europe - we understand the ward/branches and primary/youth programs are going to be smaller than in most U.S. wards.

I figure the best place to get a recommendation is from the past/current Elders/Sisters - as you know the church best in Italy.

We would prefer a mid-size city over a large or small city - but really it is about where we would best "fit" and contribute. This is really most about giving the kids the experience of living abroad in Italy.

Any recommendations of cities/wards would be much appreciated!!
David Krueger Send Email
Tiziana Pisano 07 Oct 2013
I would like to get in contact with a member that I knew from Milano, Tiziana Pisano. I do not know her married name (if she is married). If anyone sees this that knows about her, let me know what you can share. Thanks
Robert David Kramer Send Email
Help with contact 14 Jun 2013
i a looking for a contact for branch president Bignami from Sanremo brach or one of his councelors. Email would be great. THank you.
Monika Batkova Send Email
looking for a family 13 Jan 2013
I did not serve in the Milan Italy mission - but traveled in Europe the year after my mission in Madrid.

I am looking for a family that lived in Bergamo around 1996. I met the younger sister (in her late 20's at that time) at the temple in Bern - her older brother was married to a woman - I believe named Lucia. They had 2 or 3 children - at the time 2 older ones were around 6-10 years old, so the kids would be in their mid- to late- 20's now . The older brother (married to Lucia?) did the voice of Lucifer in the Italian translation for the temple. I am trying to track them down - at least names (to look for them on Facebook or Linkedin - email addresses would be great. thanks
Marisa Egbert Send Email
Jorgensen Reunion 2011 on Video 10 Sep 2011
The Dan and Elaine Jorgensen group (71-74) met at the Jorgensen Ranch on July 30th, 2011 for a 40th year reunion... 40 years?! Here's q quick video:
Scott M. Haskins Send Email
Tempio di Roma 13 Jul 2011
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Julie Pacini <>
Sent: Tue, July 12, 2011 12:52:39 PM
Subject: Temple Construction Officially Commenced...

Below is a message that was read in all Rome Italy Stake Sacrament Meetings on Sunday. English translation follows the Italian.


Cari Fratelli e Sorelle,

Siamo felici di annunciare che i lavori per la costruzione del Tempio di Roma sono ufficialmente iniziati.

Il sentimento di profonda gratitudine per questa grande benedizione che il Signore sta’ riversando sui santi a Roma e in Italia, ci spinge a chiedere a tutti i membri del palo di Roma di mostrare la nostra gratitudine unendoci in un digiuno di ringraziamento Domenica 24 Luglio 2011.

Questo digiuno ci consentira’ di prepararci con ancora maggiore consapevolezza spirituale per il viaggio di palo al Tempio svizzero la settimana successiva, e di unirci in un ideale abbraccio spirituale al fine di ringraziare il Padre Celeste per le grandi benedizioni che generosamente riversa sul suo popolo e su questa parte della sua vigna.

Vi chiediamo di continuare a servire con sempre maggiore devozione, carita’ e fede mentre ci prepariamo a ricevere ulteriori benedizioni nella Casa che il Signore sta’ preparando per noi.

Esprimiamo profonda gratitudine a tutti i santi nel palo mentre condividiamo questi momenti di grande gioia spirituale.

Con affetto

La Presidenza del Palo


Dear Brothers and Sisters,

We are pleased to announce that construction on the Rome Temple has officially commenced.

The profound feeling of gratitude that results from this great blessing which the Lord is pouring out upon the saints in Rome and elsewhere in Italy, invites us to ask all members of the Rome Stake to consider showing our gratitude by uniting in a thanksgiving fast on Sunday, July 24, 2011.

This fast will help us prepare ourselves, with even greater spiritual sensitivity, for our temple trip to Switzerland the following week, and to unite us in a symbolic spiritual embrace to thank Heavenly Father for the great blessings that He so generously pours out upon His people in this part of His vineyard.

We ask you to continue to serve with ever greater devotion, charity, and faith while we prepare ourselves to receive the greater blessings that the Lord is preparing for us in His house.

We express our profound gratitude to all the saints in the stake as we share these great moments of spiritual joy.

With affection,

The Rome Stake Presidency
Daniel Wanner Send Email
yogurt 16 May 2011
We made fresh yogurt with Danone - especially in Torino. I don't remember how. Does anyone have that recipe?
Jeanne Cushing Send Email
Rome Temple groundbreaking announced! 11 Oct 2010
I received this announcement from "The groundbreaking ceremony for the Rome Italy Temple was announced in church meetings throughout Italy yesterday. President Thomas S. Monson will preside over the services, which will be held on Saturday, October 23. Attendance is strictly limited to invited priesthood leaders and special guests. However, the proceedings of the ceremony will be rebroadcast to all chapels in Italy the following day so that all may participate.

"The buildings planned for the site include the temple, a meetinghouse, a visitors center, and a patron housing facility. An architectural rendering of the temple will be revealed at the groundbreaking."
Kurtis J. Kearl Send Email
visiting mission 15 Oct 2009
My daughter is heading to the Italy Milan mission on November 17th. My husband and I thought it would be a fun idea to visit the mission before she got there so when she writes, we will be able to visualize where she is. Does anyone have any suggestions for places to visit - especially towns where she is most likely to serve. We will be there October 25th - 31st.
Alisa Cozzens Send Email
Giuseppe Pasta 09 Aug 2009
I am looking for the address, email or contact info for Giuseppe Pasta or Marisa Bonanni. Anyone?
Leon C Luscher Send Email
Giuseppe Pasta 09 Aug 2009
I am looking for the address, email or contact info for Giuseppe Pasta or Marisa Bonanni. Anyone?
Leon C Luscher Send Email
President Sowell Contact Info 16 Sep 2008
Hello everyone.

I am looking for a way to contact Presidente Sowell. My name is Shaun Krietemeyer and he was my mission president from 1999-2001. I simply need to get in contact with email address would be fine. Thank you for you help e ciao tutti che abbia fatto la missione con me, includendo i membri. State sempre nel mio cuore.
Shaun Krietemeyer Send Email
sandra leone 14 Sep 2008
Does anyone know alessandra leone from Trieste?
I'd love to get in touch with her and tell her I am now living in England again.. at home..she can contact me at my email
Valerie Hoyle/Chevara
Valerie Hoyle Send Email
Torino Members? 18 Aug 2008
I am going to be attending a conference in Torino Sep 25 - 28 and was considering staying with a member or family just to practice the language and have a local contact. Anybody know of a family that might be interested in hosting someone for a couple of days. I have a 6 bedroom house a couple of miles from BYU and I would be happy to host an Italian family visiting Utah. Email me if you know of anyone.
Kevin Frazier Send Email
Brandi Rainey 12 Jul 2008
I have been looking for any info on one of my favorite companions for, what, 10 years??? If anyone knows how I can get in contact with her I would REALLY appreciate it. Grazie tanto
Heather Anne Olsen Send Email
Elder Richter 22 Feb 2008
Does anyone know what has happened to Dave Richter? He was the Assistant to the President at the time of the first combination of the Milano/Padova mission in 1982. We were roomies in college for a while and then he got married and then divorced and then disappeared. Anyone heard anything from him?
Rich Rogers Send Email
auguri di buon anno 31 Dec 2007
carissimi colleghi e colleghe,
vi auguro un felice anno 2008, Mi piacerebbe ricevere vostre notizie.
Nell'anno appena trascorso i nostri due figli più grandi sono tornati dalla missione. Antonella da Catania e Alberto da Roma. Hanno ripreso gli studi e la vita normale. Stiamo ricevendo molte soddisfazioni anche dagli altri due più piccoli, Daniela di 17 anni e Fabrizio di 12.
Io e mio marito Riccardo siamo grati di avere il vangelo nella nostra vita. ci sentiamo molto benedetti. In questo momento servo come presidentessa della primaria nel rione di Brescia e mio marito è capo gruppo dei sommi sacerdoti.
Vi saluto con grande affetto, sorella Galizia
il mio nuovo indirizzo è
Nei miei dati di iscritta al gruppo allego due fotografie
Missionaries in San Remo 24 Dec 2007
Does anyone have the current phone number for the missionaries in San Remo? There is a member there that I knew back in my day, who is now inactive, but is completely alone this Christmas. I'd like to contact the missionaries and see if they could make it a point to visit her. She's a sweet lady but since the death of her husband and son, activity has been hard for her. I'd just like to make sure someone visits her for christmas. I know this is late notice, but I just learned of this about an hour ago.
Rich Rogers Send Email
Claudio Piazzi 13 Dec 2007
Sto cercando per the familia di Claudio Piazzi. Una collega dice che sta in Torino.

Claudio non era membro, su moglie, Rosa Mingrone era membro, e filgio Alfredo.

Se si conosce, fai email:
Gary Harris Send Email
Email Address 29 Oct 2007
Does anyone happen to know Pres. Dunaway's email address? I enter the MTC on Nov. 14 and have not yet recieved the "follow up" letter from the Mission home. Can anyone help me?
Colton H. Mathews Send Email
SanRemo 24 Oct 2007
It's awesome that Stevie is going on a mission. I was there in Winter '91 and they had just been baptized. Stevie was the kid who would always come up and punch you in the gut, Ciro is a stud. We pulled the best greeny prank of all time with that family... I can still hear Fr. Scasso playing the organ in church. Here's to SanRemo and February p-day basketball games in 60 degree weather.
Jared Simpson Send Email
San Remo 05 Oct 2007
I was in San Remo a little more than a year ago and the branch was doing really well. The Genovese family was very active, Franco and his wife, as well as Marco and Claudia (who have 2 kids). I'm not sure who else was there, but Augusto Bignami was branch president with Andrea Marvaldi as one of his counselors (I think they were baptized in the 90s). There were about 30 active members when I was there, and we visited with Sister Cicogna as much as possible, and had some good experiences with her though while I was there she never came back to activity. I don't know if Ciro Cangialosi was there when you were, but he was reactivated and now his son Steve is going to serve his mission in Rome. The growth has been pretty constant since I've left and there are now two companionships there. Scasso was doing ok when I was there too, he was having some medical problems, but was still playing in church. anyways, point of the story is, I miss San Remo, but its going great!
Daniel Paul Send Email
San Remo 09 Sep 2007
I finished up in San Remo almost 25 years ago. I went back in November of 1989, and the branch was a tad larger than when I was there in 1982-1983. I'm curious about the branch. How are the Genovese family and the Scassos? I know Livia Cicogna has been coming out much less since the deaths of her son and husband, but she is such a sweet lady. She was my Italian mom. I had to wait till my last city to find her.

If you've been in San Remo recently let me know. I'd love hearing about the members there and seeing some pictures if you have them.
Rich Rogers Send Email
another friend 23 Aug 2007
I'm also wondering if anyone knows the whereabouts of a Bruna Canal. She was from Milan, but served a mission in Padova from 1981 to 1982. Did anyone know her after her mission, anyone know what's happened to her? If you know something, let me know, please.

Rich Rogers Send Email
searching for three friends 08 Aug 2007
If anyone knows the whereabouts of either Dwight Solomon, David Richter, or Wallace Rose, I'd love hearing about them.

Elder Rose and I served together in San Remo--his first city and my last. I knew both Elders Solomon and Richter in the MTC, and then Elder Richter was the AP at the time the Milan and Padova Missions merged in 1982. Dave and I were also roommates at college, and then he got married, divorced, and then disappeared.

If anyone knows anything about them drop me a line.

Rich Rogers Send Email
Elder Wallace Rose 05 Aug 2007
I'm wondering if any former companions of Wallace Rose may have any information about his whereabouts. I knew him in San Remo--his first city, and my last.
Rich Rogers Send Email
Update on emails 09 Jul 2007
These are my remaining comps who I would like to find contact info for

Anz. Paulson - from Payson, UT
Anz. Josh Sikora - from White Plains, NY
Anz. Brent Palmer - from St. George, may be in Pleasant Grove or Utah County
Anz. Josh Gale - From SLC, UT
Anz. D. Moore - WA

send any info to me at plaidfro at hotmail dot com.


Brandon Chambers
Brandon B. Chambers Send Email
Companions Emails 28 Jun 2007

I am trying to find some of my 13 companions. Especially their email addresses. I only need to track down 5 of them now... any help would be appreciated.

All served around '95 - '97 with Pres. Clegg

Anz. Paulson - from Payson, UT
Anz. Josh Sikora - from White Plains, NY
Anz. Brent Palmer - from St. George, may be in Pleasant Grove or Utah County
Anz. Josh Gale - From SLC, UT
Anz. D. Moore - WA

If you can help with any of these.. please email me at: plaidfro at hotmail dot com.


Brandon Chambers
Brandon B. Chambers Send Email
CERCASI 19 Oct 2006
Sto cercando disperatamente una mia collega di missione della California: MICHELLE MOORE.
Se qualcuno è in grado di fornirmi qualche informazione gliene sarei molto grata.
Scrivo in italiano perchè si suppone che ognuno di voi ricordi la lingua...sarà una buona occasione per praticare!
Maria Pug Puglisi Send Email
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