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Friends, Dinner, Photos, Singing, and (only a little) 日本語
Saturday, November 4, 2023
Location: Monument Park Ward
2000 East Michigan Avenue,
Salt Lake City, Utah
Doors will open 5:00 pm; Dinner served 6:00 pm
Suggested Donation:
$10.00 each person OR bring a potluck desert
Via email, text or call:
Rick Davis 801-694-3700
Scott Hansen 801-367-1400
Dennis Jacobsen 801-560-3208
Cliff Lillywhite
Russ McClure 970-481-0731
Matt Peterson 801-550-5400
Randy Woodbury
John Zarbock
Ray Cox
We hope to see you there. If you can't come, please make contact and update us on your life. Send your email.
We may also try to create a ZOOM portion of the reunion so attendees can visit with those who can't be present. Let us know if this would be something you would like.
Suggestions and help are welcome.
Does anybody know how to contact people who they baptized in this mission back in 1981-1982? I am going over there this July and would like to look some of them up. Any information would be helpful. Jon
Thanks to all my companions and colleges while serving my most valued time spent in this life. Wishing I was available, humble enough and chosen to serve again. Contact me anytime you wish to leave a message. Best wishes to all and May Heavenly Father bless you that you're days are filled with the spirit and you're guide to share the message of the Lord.
When I was serving in the city of Nagoya at the beginning of 1986, I was in the same district as Elder Ryoji Teshiba. I managed to track him down once in the mid 1990s, but I lost contact with him after that. If anyone knows anything about him or how to contact him, I would appreciate a heads-up. I know that he is from the Nagasaki region and that was where I discovered him last time, if that is any help.
Thanks for your assistance,
Friday, March 30, 2012
6:30pm until 9:30pm
Sandy Utah Crescent Stake Center, located at 10945 South 1700 East, Sandy, UT 84092
This is a reunion of the Nagoya Mission from 1998-2001 with President and Sister Evans. As in the past, we will have a short "taikai", followed by food, visiting and warm reunion with companions and friends.
Please send notice of this to your companions and others who should be invited. I will also send a message and invitation to each of the returned missionaries I know on Facebook.
Sister Evans and I look forward to seeing many of you. We know that many live out-of-state and that coming may not be possible. We send our love to each of you. You are welcome in whatever your circumstances may be. Spouses (or dates) and children are, of course, welcome.
As far as I know it has only been announced on facebook so far and by word of mouth. I hope lots can make it :). I will be there :)
I served in Ogaki back in 93. Taught some Philippinoes(sp). I was wondering if anyone who has served there lately knows if they are still active. Boyet, Donna, Lino, Edwin, Nonie. It would be really nice to know how they are doing.
I have created a Japan Nagoya Mission group on Facebook. If you are on Facebook, please join the group.
Hi my husband and I are visiting Nagoya Japan for a few days from the 27 of Feb 2009. We would love to catch up or see as many people from my mission as possible. Does anyone have any ideas on how to catch up with families and get in contact with them to invite them to meet us. Ashamed to say I haven't kept in contact with anyone.
Is Brother Matsuzawa in Meitoku south ward or how can I find his details. He was baptized back in 1997 and came out to my wedding in Austalia in Dec 1998 but unfortunately lost contact.
I would love to get in contact with anyone who served in our area and the people in those wards at that time.
Any help, idea's would be greatly appreciate.
Rebekah Semaan (Hannant shimai)
I am looking for Elder Suzuki Masanori. We served in Nagoya from 1977 to 1979. I heard he was married to Sister Eguchi (former Nagoya missionary also) and was living in Tokyo or possibly Yokohama. I would appreciate any assistance locating him.
Does anyone know how to get in contact with Sister Flynn? Anyone have her email address or phone number? Thanks.
Does anyone know the whereabouts of Elder Maynes and Elder Rota. They served in Takefu and Takabata around '96 - '00. They are not registered at this website. Does anyone have their emails?
Does anyone know LeRoy Scott Brown or his whereabouts? I've lost contact w/ him and I sure do miss him. If you have any clues for me, it would sure be appreciated and save me some time.
Thanks to those who responded and helped out.
Does anyone know where I can get a copy of the Articles of Faith in Hiragana or Romaji? Or at least with Furigana? I have the triple combo but it doesn't have Furigana and I have nearly forgotten all my Kanji.
I need it for my Young Men's class for Duty to God.
if you email me personally I can give a few email adresses...
Hi there
I am trying to get email addresses (or postal addresses) for some of the members in Ogaki. Can anyone help?
Fred in Toronto
If anyone has contact information for Shoichiro Inue (from the Meito Kita area when I knew him) I would greatly appreciate it. Our contact during my mission was very brief but has been very powerful in my life and I would love to establish contact with him.
January 22, 2007
Dear Elders and Sisters,
It is with a great amount of excitement and emotion that I write to you today. We are especially blessed to be participants in the Lords work, in this time and place. It is my witness that the Lord is keenly aware of each of you. “He knows his sheep and his sheep are numbered.” (3rd Nephi)
Each of you are here with reason and specific purpose. It is through our obedience and hard work that our reason and purpose are manifest and accomplished. I have deep faith that the Lord will continue to manifest his will for you.
The following is excerpted from a letter from the Asia North Area Presidency to Priesthood Leaders in Japan. It will be read in Sacrament Meeting in the coming weeks.
“For some years, the Area Presidency has prayed that Japan would once again have the blessing of a mission that is centered in the Kansai area. We recognize that this area of Japan is rich in history and faith, and that, with the exception of the greater Tokyo-area, it is the area of Japan where there are more stakes and more members of the Church than any other. Throughout this time, we have had faith that the Lord would, when it was right, show us the way to reopen the Kobe mission.”
“It is with great joy that we announce that on or about March 1, 2007, the Japan Kobe Mission will be reopened. The Kobe Mission will be comprised of the three Osaka stakes, the Kobe Stake, the Kyoto Stake, the Fukuchiyama District and the Shingo Branch. President and Sister Val Tucker, currently of the Tokyo South Mission, have been called by the First Presidency to serve as the first Mission President and wife of this newly reorganized mission. They come to this assignment with tremendous experience and faith. We offer our sincere gratitude to President and Sister Tucker for the faith they have demonstrated as they have received this call from the First Presidency.”
“We also announce that on or about March 1, 2007, under the direction of the First Presidency and the Twelve Apostles, the boundaries of the Nagoya Mission and the Hiroshima Mission will be changed…The Nagoya Mission will be comprised of the Nagoya Stake, the Nagoya East Stake, the Shizuoka Stake, the Kanazawa Stake and the Nagano District. We are grateful to President and Sister Yafuso, President and Sister Stevenson and to each of the Stake and District Presidents who, with faith and humility, have sustained this action by the First Presidency.”
“Most importantly, we are grateful to the Lord who has impressed upon our hearts that now is the time for missionary work to move forward in Japan, and how He would have it done”
When you read this, we will either have discussed this in great detail in Zone Conference, this week or we will be discussing it in your Zone Conference next week.
I am grateful to be part of this great change.
I pray that you too will find the comfort from the Lord knowing this is His will.
The best way to prepare ourselves for the change is to continue to do the work as we have been doing. Much precious time remains between now and March, and much needs to be done.
Sister Stevenson and I love you deeply, and look forward to working with each of you as we prepare for this historical step for the Lords work in Japan.
The Lord loves you and so do I.
President Gary E. Stevenson
We would like to make contact with the couple currently serving in the office. (Jan 2007). We will be replacing them shortly and would like to have contact with them asap.
Dear all return missionarries.
Someone knows me someone dosen't but this is important message for every single return missionarries.
Maybe you forget or quite to contact with your Japanese friends who you met while you were missionarry. Many people have been waiting for your contacts. Me? I have been trying to keep contact who I met one of you guys but some of them already miss contacts. Many people are looking for your help like feeling or something. You can do through by E-mail or letter and other kind of comunication ways.
If you can give some letter for people or E-mails for them, it may help to go back to Church again.
For me, I have strong friendship with missionarry who baptied me. I call him almost every weekend to chatt 10 min or 20 min. Yes, it maks me little bit easyier to keep to go to church. It is hard to go to church because many people like to gossips about someone at thechurch. I do not want to hear it and never believe it in my life but when I hear some of them, it maks me depress. So I just talk reguler happens in past week or month with my friends. It makes me feel better to go.
Have you talked with your friends? or you already forget your friends who are Japanese?
Life is always busy for everyone but please keep try to contact with your Japanese friends.
When you will give some contacts to them, they will be feel better to go to Church.
I know some of them who are add their information but please start from you to say hello for old friends.
If you have a chance to do it, please contact with them. Thank you for your reding this message from japan.
Boyd Pett served 1984-5 went home maybe septemeber of 85 with Elder Andrew Parker. I don't know much about it but he made a trip back to Japan in about 1994 I believe and while in Japan died. Do any of you have any more iniformation on his death?
ray hunt
Oi todos/Hello everyone,
Eu e a esposa ensinamos ingles numa escola em Marugame, Kagawa-ken. Nos gostamos muito do trabalho e local mas estamos vendo outras oportunidades perto de nagoya. Ja que nos dois falamos portugues e espanhol, eu queria saber onde que estao os ramos/aulas de fala portugues ou espanhol. Sei que existe um ramo brasileiro em Toyohashi, mas ouvi falar que existem mais, inclusive um ramo em espanhol. alguem sabe onde que esta?
My wife and I are living in Marugame, (Kagawa) Japan, and we love it.
We currently teach at a great English school where we have a lot of friends, including some Brazilian and Peruvian friends, we speak Spanish and Portuguese.
We might consider moving to another part of Japan to get to know another area if the opportunity was right.
My question for anyone who served or currently serves in the Nagoya mission, is where are the other Portuguese or Spanish Speaking branches or wards near Nagoya? I know there is one in Toyohashi, but was wondering where the other ones are if there are any.
Thanks for any help you might have,
Bom, sem mais deixo esta mensagem na esperança que alguêm pode ajudar-me com mais informações.
sincerely, um abraço,
Rob e Nicolle Bennion
We are an LDS couple moving to Marugame (Kagawa-ken) to teach English for a
year or more, and I was wondering if there are any Brazilian/Latino
(spanish or portuguese-speaking) saints in the area, as I served my mission
in Brazil, and my wife's mother is from Costa Rica. I know there is a
large dekasegue population from Brazil in the area, but have no idea how to
contact them . . .
Any information would be appreciated. we may or may not choose to stay
longer than our one year contract, and therefore even though we will not be
living in the area of this mission, we are still interested in information
for the future.
I am also a jazz saxophonist and would be interested in meeting other LDS
musicans as well . . . my music website is, which has
sound clips and more info about my music.
Thanks in advance for any help,
Robert and Nicolle Bennion
My name is Toshi! Nice to meet you! You got a great colling to Nagoya mission. I think if you have digital camera, it will be great! AND you can come with spirit! If you come to Toyohashi ward by November or maybe December, I will meet you! I know Nagoya mission is the best place! Be a great missionary!!
My name is Toshi! Nice to meet you! You got a great colling to Nagoya mission. I think if you have digital camera, it will be great! AND you can come with spirit! If you come to Toyohashi ward by November or maybe December, I will meet you! I know Nagoya mission is the best place! Be a great missionary!!
hey everybody,
i leave in June to enter one of the greatest missions ever.
if any and everybody would be nice enough to give me a list of things i should get in the states to make my mission run smoothly. i tihnk ive got all my bases covered, but I'm always open for suggestions
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