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Sister Elizabeth Ann Takasaki (Inouye) Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Walter S. Teruya (1974 - 1977) | Richard D.S. Kwak (1977 - 1978) | Served: 1976 - 1977 | Areas Served: Morioka, Koriyama, Fukushima, Sendai | Companions: Yuriko Rees (Arakaki) | Your Occupation: homemaker | Spouse: Roman Takasaki | Comments: I would like to contact my Aisuru Doryo-tachi: Haraguchi-Shimai, Shiki-Shimai, Kikuchi-Shimai, Fukuda-Shimai, Smith-Shimai, Davis-Shimai, and Arakaki-Shimail. I would also like to contact other Japanese sisters with whom I lived: Hamasaki-Shimai, Pickett-Shimai, Hikiji-Shimai, Tamashiro-Shimai and the wonderful Elders with whom we served. My son, Stephen, is now serving in the Tokyo North mission and his companion is Kikuchi-Shimai's son (Elder Hayashi). My husband, Roman, and I have two other children, Aimee who is at BYU studying piano, and David who is 11 years old. We love the gospel and are grateful to be members of our Savior's church. Thank you for your great examples of faith and dedication. We would love to hear from you. |
Created: 10 Oct 2004 Modified: 10 Oct 2004 |
Last Login: 20 Apr 2011 10:58:20 PM |
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