Share your favorite mission memories here! We encourage you to dig through your mission photos and submit a few of your favorites.
Viewing: Click on the thumbnail size picture below to see an enlarged version. Use navigation arrows to see previous or next photo. Another click on the enlarged version often yields another even larger version (depending on pixelization.) - use the 'back one page' arrow on your browser to return to the normal enlarged size.
Submitting Photos:
- log in (remember to key in the two security image words if requested)
- click the 'Add Picture' link below
- Please include year and location the picture was taken together with names of those who appear, if applicable
- Size limit is 150k
- File name should be lower case with no special characters
- Suggested pixel dimension width is minimum 900 pixels at highest resolution possible for <150k size, to allow best viewing/identifying faces
See also 'Site Help' topic 'Uploading Pictures.' Feel free to contact Webmaster with any questions or for assistance.
Displaying 1 - 25 of 124 -- Add Picture
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