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 | Elder J Godfrey Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Raymond Botterell (2001 - 2004) | Served: 2002 - 2004 | Areas Served: Uganda, T-Zed, Kenya | Companions: Nate Rizley | Jeremy Glen Ryan | Your Occupation: Theology Major (UWO) | Spouse: NONE | Comments: I just started my second semester at UWO (University of Western Ontario) and I am loving it. I am taking Theology, (if I didn't already tell those who care) and it's an ass-kicking experience that I totally needed. Me and Lacie are doing awesome but we are no where near marriage, give me like eight more years and then I'll consider it, but I wanna finish school, make some money, and gain some other life skill and experience before I make that jump. So don't hastle me with your 'eternal companion' talk. However I am happy for all my boys out there who bit the bullet and still have smiles on their faces. I am loving life just the same even though I've made different choices. I gotta give a big shout out to Rizley, kid if you are reading this give me an e-mail (or anyone for that matter that I got love for, and you know who you are), my e-mail is Don't abuse this priviledge, just get at me and show me love. If you check the picture, thats me and my friend Deeqa (who is from Kenya). We are in the African Student Association (ASA) together at school. I am still trying to represent and do all I can for my home continent and countries. One love kids. Peace |
Created: 20 Jun 2004 Modified: 13 Jan 2006 |
Last Login: 13 Jan 2006 03:20:16 PM |
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