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News Item: Great Gathering

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Great Gathering 07 Jun 2008
Friday evening was a wonderful couple of hours visiting; hearing Justus Suchi describe the workings of the ReachTheChildren organization which he has been representing in this latest trip to USA. It is a remarkable 'sharing', training in business, giving guidance to famlies in using their gifts and talents more effectively. Check it out on the net.
The joy of sharing visiting time was wonderful for Pres and Me. We haven't had that opportunity in several years.
We want to have a get together this summer and will keep you apprised of the location, time etc. We would love to have more messages left on the Website when you have time!
We were fortunate to share a tour of the Conference Center with Bishop Suchi, and watch him as he saw it first hand. He will be at the broadcast tomorrow morning. We are grateful for our mission to Africa; and to have had the opportunity to know and work with each Elder Assigned to the Kenya Nairobi Mission 1994- 1996! You are very much in our prayers and our thoughts. And remember, WE SURE LOVE YOU! And we pray for 'our missionaries' always! Pres and Sis Clark
We were very fortunate to have our hostess, Elizabeth Stewart prepare her home for us, and to see her appreciation for the missionaries, and Suchi, and the children. We thank her. She shares Granchildren with us. Her daughter is married to one of our sons. We were treated as family. Again, take care.
Paul Kenneth Clark Send Email

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