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Elder Ryan Fryar Contact Info Hidden - Login
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| | | Presidents: Won Seo (1990 - 1993) | Served: 1991 - 1993 | Language(s) spoken:Korean | Areas Served: Young-do, Cheju-do, Gwangan, Chinju, Pyongan | Companions: David Evans | Brady Spence Eyre | Cory James Pritchard | Your Occupation: Artist, Professor | Spouse: Vicki | Comments: I live in Pennsylvania, Professor of Art (drawing. painting) and head of the Art Division at York College. Just named our fourth child and baptised our first on Sunday. Married to Vicki, kids: Gabriel (8, boy), Aidan (6, boy), Cajsa (3, girl) and Cyrus (2 months, boy). Serving as cubscout leader, have served as many things from nursery leader to Elders Quorum Pres. Oldest hobby is origami, latest hobbies are road biking and designing/building human powered vehicles. |
Created: 26 Oct 2005 Modified: 26 Oct 2005 |
Last Login: 05 Dec 2004 11:01:11 PM |
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