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Elder Brady Spence Eyre Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Won Seo (1990 - 1993) | Served: 1990 - 1992 | Language(s) spoken:Korean | Areas Served: Ulsan, Chang Won, Chung Mu, Cheju | Companions: Greg Boden | Ryan Fryar | LAYNE Jensen | Rich Melin | Your Occupation: Imaging Manager | Spouse: Wendy Ann Eyre | Comments: Married in 1996, have 4 children 2 boys, 2 girls ages 15 to 9. Have served in many capacities in the gospel was released recently as Bishop and was called as Stake President at that time. I live in southern Utah in Panguitch and work in the local hospital managing the Imaging Department since 1999. |
Created: 06 Apr 2015 Modified: 06 Apr 2015 |
Last Login: 01 Jul 2015 01:59:44 PM |
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