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Elder Cameron Dawson Criddle Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Won Seo (1990 - 1993) | W. Richard Herd (1993 - 1996) | Served: 1992 - 1994 | Language(s) spoken:Korean | Areas Served: Sujung, Miryang, Kyung Ju,
Ulsan | Companions: Benjamin Crawford | Danny Lee Hansen | Your Occupation: Roofing Contractor | Spouse: Lisa | Comments: Currently, I am married with three children. We moved back to Montana after living in Spokane for 12 years. I am serving in the Elders Quorum presidency and coaching football for my 10 yr. old son. I haven't kept in touch with hardly anybody from the mission field and thought about that during conference today. Hopefully, I can get in touch with some of you and maybe get together with you in the future. |
Created: 05 Oct 2008 Modified: 05 Oct 2008 |
Last Login: 05 Oct 2008 05:37:49 PM |
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