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the secret is out! I have seen a few of you asking for the recipe. Well here it is.
fazer pie
3 eggs (separate yolks from the whites)
vanilla extract (optional)
1/3 cup of cocoa (optional)
2 fazer bars
Domino crackers (broken up)
1/2 cup of butter
2/3 bag of powdered sugar
Mix the slightly melted (gooey) butter with the broken up domino pieces to make the crust, place in a pie tin and put in the freezer.
melt the 2 Fazer bars in a double boiler.
add 1/3 cup of cocoa (optional) to the melted chocolate.
in a separate container mix the egg whites, 1tsp of vanilla extract (optional), and the powder sugar together until it is mixed together (should be creamy).
add the egg whites and sugar mixture slowly into the melted chocolate and mix well.
Pour the sauce into the frozen crust and refrigerate until solid.
I have not made this in a very very long time. the 2/3 bag of powder sugar i am not exactly sure how much that is as sizes in the Baltics were different then in the USA. maybe just mix the egg whites with sugar till it is still runny but not too runny. good luck.
Attention all missionaries who served in Belarus!
A special reunion for all missionaries who served in Belarus will be held on April 4, 2013, in Provo. The exact location and time will be determined shortly.
The reunion will celebrate the 20th anniversary of the opening of Belarus for missionary work. Anyone with connections to Belarus, especially missionaries who served there, are invited. Please spread the word! Email me if you have questions.
This information was recently sent to me:
Hello, My name is Carine. I am a Branch Mission Leader in Salt Lake City Utah Russian Branch in downtown Salt Lake City. Recently we have experienced increased inactivity from members of the branch. We are hoping to expand and need the help of Russian speakers and return missionaries. I was wondering if you could forward this information to anyone who is interested in practicing their Russian language skills, interacting with Russian speakers from former Soviet Union or simply visiting LDS Church in Russian language. We meet on Sundays behind the LDS Conference Center in
downtown Salt Lake, in addition we hold activities and other programs. Thank you.
The meetings are at noon in the Salt Lake Stake Building (142 W 200 N) in the Relief Society room.
It is well past time for me to look for a replacement as webmaster. I'm certain there are many of you who could do a better job managing and/or improving the mission website. I started out with good intentions and plans for the site, but have never taken the time or learned the skills to bring them to fruition. For some time now I have failed at even the bare minimum of keeping posting authorizations current. Other responsibilities and all that...
It doesn't take any special skills to handle the basic management of the site. So on that level, just about anyone could run it. That being said, someone with the interest and skills could really add a lot to the site in terms of content and style.
If you are interested in taking a turn as webmaster, please shoot me an email.
Does anyone know if there are members, missionaries and church meetings in or around the town Bauska in the Southern part of Latvia?
I have received an inquiry from someone contemplating going there for 6 months as part of a EU youth volenteer program, and I have been out of the country so long I don't really know where branches have been created. Please respond via the Comments section.
My brother, Luke Sakievich, received his mission call in October. He will be serving in the Baltic States mission Lithuanian speaking! I served there primarily as a Russian speaker from 97-99 and learned Lithuanian during the last 8 months of my mission. Sveikiniu tave, broli!
For those of you in Utah, or anywhere with the full broadcast lineup through KSL, "United by Faith" will be shown at 1:00 PM today between sessions of conference. If you missed it in April, I encourage you to watch it this time around. It's about the Helsinki Finland Temple and the members in the countries served by that temple, so you learn about the Church in the Baltics and in western Russia and Finland. I saw several members that I knew and hadn't seen in over a decade; it was wonderful!
One of our alumni, Amy Coray, would like to share the following information:
As most of you know, I'm currently working for our adoption agency, Premier Adoption. I'm trying to get out the word about some informational meetings we have coming up next week. If you are interested in adoption, or know anyone who might be interested in adoption, will you please forward this information to them?
Our program director will be coming up from Southern Utah to talk about Premier's programs (we have several available) and will especially be presenting information about a "Latvia Summer Camp" sponsored by our agency this summer. Families will be able to have a child or sibling group (ages 5-12) from a Latvian orphanage live with them for three weeks this summer. All of the children are healthy, and in need of good homes. We are looking for families who want to adopt, and can have a home study complete before the children arrive. Participation in the summer camp will fulfill some of Latvia's adoption requirements and will replace one of the two trips Latvia normally requires for adoption. The Latvian government may also waive some fees and expedite the process for older children.
Here is the information for the meetings:
Friday, March 2nd
Provo City Library (550 N University Ave)
Bullock Room (#309)
6:30 p.m.
Saturday, March 3rd
Salt Lake City Library (210 E 4th South)
Conference Room 4
9:00 a.m.
Saturday, March 3rd
Grace Baptist Church (390 N 400 E in Bountiful)
1:00 p.m.
All meetings are open to the public and free of charge. Anyone who wants more information may call me (801-773-1891), or our office in Mesquite (702-346-4922), or visit our website: www.premieradoption.org.
I recently received my mission call to the Baltics speaking Russian. If anyone could send my information on what to bring, or any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Elder Todd Gardner
We just returned from the temple dedication in Helsinki. I saw Fazer Chocolate in many stores. Is this a key ingredient in Fazer Pie?
My thanks to Mary Scott for bringing to my attention the articles in Meridian Magazine about the Helsinki Temple.
Miguel and I are considering coming to Utah this fall for conference and wonder if there will be a Baltic mission reunion at that time. I haven't been to a reunion in several years because I live so far away, but would love to see everyone.
If anyone know that recipe, email me too, at goviite@yahoo.com
I totally forgot about that beautiful taste.
I know this is a long shot, but I am looking for the recipe for Fazer pie.
If you have it you probably served between 1996-2000, unless it has been passed down according to the traditions of our fathers...
Send me an email: beck.dave@gmail.com
I don't know if anyone is interested or keeping up with the news, but things are getting more and more complicated in Belarus, they recently passed a strictly regulatory law on religion (from what I hear our branches are mostly OK). People who have tried to protest the current government are being treated very badly. If anyone has any ideas of something that can be done or is willing to write some letters (I'm tracking down where to send them in terms of Congress and/or UN) please email me. (craymond@ucsd.edu). Thanks, and just pray for them, things are pretty bad.
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"You are a great army of returned missionaries. Go forward with new zeal and determination, and through your example shine the light of the gospel in this troubled world. This is the Lords work in which we are engaged. God lives. Jesus is the Christ. We belong to His Church. This is my witness to you in the name of Jesus Christ, amen."