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Elder Brownie Komene Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: George T. Frost (1973 - 1976) | Served: 1973 - 1975 | Areas Served: Brockton, WolfPoint, Fort Hall, Malta, Lame Deer, Ashland. | Companions: Frank Magalei Dela Rosa | Your Occupation: Drive Truck | Spouse: Bridget | Comments: It was a privledge to have been called to serve a mission for the Lord those many golden years ago. The unconditional Love that the Saviour had for all of us has as we strived to do the will of the Father, to be tenderly asked to try again to endure to the end, when I fell short. How grateful I am for Pres and Sister Frost as they presided over the mission and set a Christ example for me that has proved valuable in my relationship with Bridget my wife and eternal companion. Upon my release from my mission President Frost asked if I had the coin which has the imprint of Moroni on one side and Joseph on the other side I replyed that I did not and that I could not afford to purchase the coin, he lovingly reached into his pocket produced his own coin and gave it to me, words were exchanged, I was speechless, my heart and mind will vivdly remember that moment, I still have the coin and I am actually have it my hand at this time. Did I miss "my" mission? Yes Sir, however when I left Montana Billings to return home to Hamilton New Zealand in the deep southern ocean I had a lot of time to ponder and what I ought to do as a returning missionary. Funny as it may sound I decided to always wear a white shirt and tire to church, to read and study The Book of Mormon, and that I may be found cast[ing] "the net on the right side of the ship"... I am so grateful to the many inspired leaders who called me to serve in the church and encouraged me to focus on other peoples needs and not on my personal selfish agenda. So in conclusion. I know God lives the church is true |
Created: 01 Mar 2008 Modified: 04 Mar 2008 |
Last Login: 05 Mar 2008 12:05:55 AM |
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