Comments: Junko was born in Aichi-gun, Aichi-ken, Japan, on Oct. 2, 1934 to Kinzo and Hagi Takeda Idehara. She was baptized in Nagoya, Japan, Oct. 2, 1954, and after various MIA and Junior Sunday School positions in Nagoya, was called to a full-time mission in Japan.
She has served as a Sunday School teacher and Jr Sunday school coordinator; in the Primary as a teacher, counselor in a ward presidency, and chorister, and as Relief Society chorister in Ca. She was graduated from the Sugiyama Girls School in Japan, and earned her B.A. degree from the University of California at Los Angeles.
We served as the Japan Nagoya Interim Mission President at the end of our Japan Missionary Center Mission in 1998 for 5 months.
It is always so wonderful to learn that many of our fellow missionaries are serving as couples on missions in many different capacities and places. We would like to go on one more mission sometime in the future. We keep ourselves busy as a Salt lake Temple sealer, an extraction coordinator, a home teacher, business, etc.
We are leaving on Sep. 7th for 3 weeks in Japan for Family History work, visiting family members and friends, exploring the Aichi Expo 2005 close to my home town and Korea for 4 days to see the progress being made since the days of Korean War and so on. We would like to know of your family and your activities also. She has 4 sons. 2 in SLC 1 in Japan & 1 in NYC. |