| Elder Robert T. Stout [Deceased] Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Paul C. Andrus (1955 - 1962) |
Served: 1958 - 1961 |
Areas Served: Dual Missionary Learned both Korean & Japanese Matsumoto 7-57, Naha Okinawa 8-59 |
Companions: Lowell Edward Brown | Cline G. Campbell | Lee Roy Fry | Charles Griffin | Paul Ward Holbrook |
Spouse: Kay |
Comments: Pres. of Japan Kobe Mission 1977-80. Son Tim has Masters and teaches at ASIJ in Tokyo now (2005). Son Rick married Elder Richard Austen's daughter. Dau. Heidi served in Fujuoka Mission and is married and living in Oklahoma, hubby in Law School.
23 Grand kids now.
Years as mission president: 1977-80
Biography: President Stout was 40 when called as mission president. A native of Pocatello, Idaho, he had received bachelors and masters degrees from Brigham Young University and doctoral degrees from Northwestern University and Loyola University. He was a seminary and institute area director at the time of his call to serve as president.
Activities: Bart Williams reports (19 Dec 2001) that "Pres. Stout ... [lives] in Orem, UT. I talked with him and his wife and daughter Wendy for about an hour or so [recently]. We attended the 100 year Celebration of the Opening of Japan. It was a very good program presided by Elder Kikuchi who delivered the Keynote Address. The Stout Family is doing well and would like to get together with everyone who served under him." |
Created: 29 Feb 2004 Modified: 13 Apr 2003 |
Last Login: 29 Feb 2004 12:23:04 PM |