Comments: When we were called to Korea, we were either too young or not smart enough to understand the difficulty of the time, because none of us felt like we were in a 'hard' area. My father was in the military and I had graduated from Narimasu High School in Tokyo in fact, Paul Andrus was the mission president during my graduation year. Anyway, I was called to return 'to Japan' for my mission. When President Andrus called me to go to Korea, I thought it would be more Japan. I loved it there !
Elder Till is in a BYU PBS Movie about LDS in Korea. Mission Pres. in 1974-77. Called (4-4-02) to the Orlando Temple and also ward mission leader.
I physically helped build the Naha Chapel with Jean D. Larson, the building missionary-1963-66. I remember the sacrifices made by the members to pay their way to the Hawaii Temple. Government Service (Okinawa, Thailand, Vietnam & Washington DC) Then Real Estate in Hawaii... In Utah I did Insurance and Securities... I am now back in Utah .. |