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Elder Adam David Curry Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Gene Raymond Mangum (2001 - 2004) | Served: 2001 - 2003 | Areas Served: Altus,OK; SAFB,TX;Burkburnett, TX; Midwest City, OK; Pauls Valley, OK | Companions: Jose C Castanon | Comments: elder curry is currently serving in the altus, ok area and altus AFB. he told his mom on mother's day that he felt destined to be an air force officer someday,due to being called to serve on air force bases in three of his four mission areas !! elder curry is so excited to be proclaiming the gospel and teaching investigators in his new area ! his great love of our saviour continues to strengthen and inspire him as he strives to remain a righteous and obedient servent of our father in heaven. elder curry is also very diligent in writing AND emailing his mother and sister back in ohio, for which we are deeply grateful !! on 6 june 2002 we also celebrate HUMP DAY for elder curry, and are grateful to be on the downhill slide !! here@ home his younger sister and i are deeply grateful for the great blessings and spiritual growth we have known over the past year. please feel free to be in touch with us @ any time, and may the Lord continue to richly bless each of you. love, momacurry |
Created: 02 Apr 2002 Modified: 05 Aug 2002 |
Last Login: 05 Aug 2002 01:35:13 PM |
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