Elder Darren T Benson Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Samuel O. Thompson (1986 - 1989) | Arthur W. Elrey (1989 - 1991) |
Served: 1989 - 1991 |
Companions: Bruce Christy |
Your Occupation: Accountant |
Spouse: Brigeta |
Comments: Just browsing and found this web site. Its been a long time since I checked up on the OTM. My wife and I have three kids, McKenzie 9, Brooklin 6, Nicholas 5 and a boy due 7/03.
I am currently the managing director at an accounting firm in Northern Utah. I guess being financial secretary in the OTM had some pursuasion in my career! I am also currently serving as Elders Quorum President in my ward. I enjoyed the OTM and always talk about what a life changing experience(for the better) it was. It is nice to hear about what some of you are doing. |
Created: 09 Jun 2003 Modified: 09 Jun 2003 |
Last Login: 09 Jun 2003 05:01:05 PM |