Sister Breena Kaye Sulz (Morris) Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: W. Durrell Nielsen (2003 - 2006) |
Served: 2004 - 2005 |
Language(s) spoken:English |
Areas Served: Henryetta, Springfield singles branch, Tulsa, Springfield 4th, Nevada |
Companions: Angela Marie Broadbent (Braunberger) | Heather Hammond | Jennifer Marie Hinckley | Robin "Robie" Ann Nichols (Fifer) | Stephanie Marie Riggs (Burningham) | Linsela Halapua Sitake |
Your Occupation: music teacher |
Spouse: (Elder) Jordan Sulz |
Comments: I met Elder Sulz 3 weeks after returning home. We were engaged on the second date and married 4 months later. No we didn't "unlock" our hearts as I don't even remember meeting him. I will always attribute that fact to my stubborn prayers. I consistently prayed that I wouldn't meet my future husband while serving as a missionary. I remember explaining to the Lord that I would not even consider it so if my future husband was in the field then we had better not meet. Come to find out later, Jordan was emergency transfered out of several area's right before the first district meeting where we would have met. When I had been out 9 months I stopped praying about this particular issue thinking the Lord understood the idea. I soon met my future husband in the Tulsa Zone although I still have no memory of it. He says that I played the piano while he conducted the music for three zone conferences. It must be true.
We are both in school at BYU-Idaho. I teach about 30 piano and violin students (young and old) as well as the junior primary. I love my calling in the primary. It has been a dream for a long time. They are so fun to be with. |
Created: 06 Mar 2007 Modified: 06 Mar 2007 |
Last Login: 05 Dec 2004 11:01:11 PM |