Elder Jared Bingham Lamoreaux Información de contacto escondida - Entrada
Mandar Mensaje
Presidentes: Quade Peterson Hansen (1997 - 2000) |
Sirvió: 1997 - 1999 |
Idioma(s) hablado:English |
Áreas: Okmulgee, OK; Mt. Home, AK; Muskogee, OK; Coweeta, OK; Ft. Smith, Ak; Pittsburgh, KS; Marshfield, MO |
Compañeros: Jake D Brown | Justin Thomas Evans | Mark J Giles |
Trabajo: Electrician/Contractor |
Esposo(a): Callie |
Comentarios: I am still living in Henderson, NV. I have been married to my wonderful wife Callie, who soem of you might remember from me talking about her on my mission, now for almost 9 years. I have three great kids Grace(5), Jared Jr.(3), and Gibson(1). I am currently serving as Bishop of the Greenway Ward here in Henderson. (I was surprised too) I have graduated college with a degree in Business, and decided not to use the degree and become a contractor. I am currently working on my contractors license to go into business with the owner of the company I currently work for. It would be cool to here from anyone. Later all. |
Creado: 17 Dec 2008 Modificado: 17 Dec 2008 |
Última entrada: 11 Dec 2009 12:19:51 AM |