News Item: Iron Rod OTM Newsletter February 2008
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February 2008
To our dear missionaries,
We had the opportunity recently to talk with an investigator who commented that the first time she attended church she noticed a glow coming from the people in the congregation! This reminded us of the scripture in Matthew 5:16 -- "Let you light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your father which is in heaven."
In modern revelation, the Lord says in Doctrine and Covenants 88:67 -- "And if your eye be single to my glory, your whole bodies shall be filled with light, and there shall be no darkness in you."
Having that light within us is very important. We have encouraged each of you to be a five-hundred watt bulb in order to help people recognize that you carry a very important message which will provide the only way whereby they may receive exaltation in our Father's Kingdom. The intensity of our light depends upon our personal worthiness. As we follow the counsel given to us in the white missionary handbook and the principles in Preach My Gospel, as well as the teachings of our prophets and the doctrines contained in the scriptures, the intensity of our lights will continue to increase as we serve the Lord as His faithful missionaries.
President Gordon B. Hinckley told Church members: "I believe and testify that it is the mission of this church to stand as an ensign to the nations and a light to the world." Speaking specifically to priesthood holders he siad, "You eschew evil in all of its forms and take on the nature of goodness and decency, letting the light, the divine light, shine through your actions." That light, as explained in the January 26, 2008 issue of the Church News, "is never manifest as arrogance or a sense of superiority. Those things repel people. Rather, it is a light that attracts people and makes them want to know what it is that makes you so happy in a world where chaos, uncertainty and sorrow reigns."
We are excited that we have the opportunity to bring light into people's lives. As you witness the many changes that people make in order to become members of Christ's church, you see light beginning to emanate from them. It helps us understnad that we truly are a light unto the world.
We love you and appreciate your devoted efforts in spreading the gospel message.
With love,
President and Sister Seal
Welcome to the OTM
13 February 2008
Elder Matthew EARLE
Elder Richard HARRISON
Elder Jeffrey JACOBSON
Elder Dillon JEPPESEN
Elder Nicholas PAINTER
16 February 2008
Elder James NIELSON
Sister Ladene NIELSON
Elder Landon NIELSEN
Return With Honor
16 February 2008
Elder Taylor J. DAVIS
Elder James DUNKLEY
Elder Joseph GARVIN
Elder Brenton MARCOM
Sister Janae SCHMIDTI
26 February 2008
Elder Dave HEALEY
Sister Sherrell HEALEY
Auto Safety Corner
We have had a pretty good winter so far. I haven't had to come out and shoot anyone . . . yet. There are still several more weeks that we can expect bad weather which equates to possible poor driving conditions.
Even though young people are invincible, with enough force, they will die. I know you are tough because I have tried to penetrate some of your brains and didn't make a dent. You are just going to have to take my word for it. Speed and/or lack of attention can hurt you . . . or at least your driving privileges. Remember an
will go a long way in keeping you safe. I love safe drivers.
Elder Fountain - Vehicle Coordinator
Dear OTM Wizards,
Christ hath said: "Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father" (John 14:12). It is an amazing thought that we can accompllish so much in such a short preiod of time while out here in the mission field. We know that we are not able to do more than Christ, but through Him all things are possible. Why? Because He has completed His mission; from His humble birth in Bethlehem to His ministry in Judea. From His suffering in Gethsemane and death on Golgotha to Hia gloriousm prophesied resurrection from Joseph of Arimathaea's tomb. His mission and ministry on earth is finished. Our Lord is now a perfect, celestial being with all power and wisdom.
He has made such perfect preparations (D&C 19:19) so that we, now and in the future may rise above our natural capabilities to accomplish this, His great woek. Some would say that the goals set, or the tasks at hand are daunting or overwhelming. However, we all must repent and catch the vision President and Sister Seal have for this mission. We must not murmur as did Laman and Lemuel saying "it is a hard thing which [President Seal] has required of us." For President Seal requires only that re serve that very GOd which has conquered all so that He may lift us and enable us to accomplish the very commandments which He gives us (1st Nephi 4:5). It is our prayer that we will have faith in Christ so that we may do whatsoever thing is expedient in Him (Moroni 7:33).
Your Loving Fans,
Elder Lawlor and Elder Wilcox
A great season of opportunity
What a glorious and wonderful season this is . . . it is tremendous . . . If you glorify it, if you magnify it, it will remain with you and bless your days throughout your life. If you stumble along and just endure the time, you will regret it the rest of your lives. This is your great season of opportunity. May the Lord bless you and may that consciousness, that realization, come into your hearts that says every morning when you get up, "This is another day of opportunity. We might meet someone today. We just might meet someone who will become a member of this Church and do a great good and be the beginning of generations of Latter-day Saints."
President Hinckley, Mar. '02
Learning from the Past
"Lessons from the past can quicken our memories, touch our lives, and direct our actions. We a prompted to pause and remember." [with a picture of Thomas B. Monson]
41 BAPTISMS January 2008
41 YTD
Fort Smith
Haraway, Madison Rose
Cruz Rodriguez, Carolina Marisol
Pokorny, Carl Bruce
Wright, Kaila Jo
Simpson, Bershawn Dee Ann
Stevens, Tyler Jacob
Escobar, San Juanita
Garcia Torres, Cynthia Ivonne
Taylor, Orlando Dean
Marshall, Joshua Logan
Christensen, William
Springfield South
Henson, Rita Marie
Henson, Robert Dale
Hernandez, Valentina Rosita
Jenkins, Laryssa Rosita
Mooney, Glenn Wesley
Reberry, Bessie Arlene
Seager, Angela Lynn
St. Robert
Brown, Preston
Chapman, Marsha Louise
Coffin, Desiree
Fenton, Daniel Mack
Morgan, Susan Teresa
Rackley, Jennifer Lynn
Morrison-Vineyard, Janice Marie
Vineyard, Stephanie Dawn
Galli, Amanda Denise Esma Kaylor
Johnson, Richard Earl
VanDrimmelen, Kendall Ray
Lepley, Diana Marie
Hindman, Melissa Dawn
Hindman, Robert Dale
Lake, Culver Kathryn Ann
Wahon, Lillian Nikole
Ontiveros, Perla Marisol
Rist, Regina Reane Ms
Robets, Jordan Elizabeth Campbell
Tulsa East
Price, Dennis Wayne
Thompson, Joyce Ellen
Hailey, Rachel Nichole
Please accept my apologies for not including these names on the November 2007 list:
Fretz, Andrea Lynn
Johns, Nathan Daniel
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