News Item: Iron Rod OTM Newsletter March 2009
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Dear Missionaries,
Last zone conference we introduced the “Quest for Discipleship.” We are excited for each of you to take the opportunity to work on each facet of this quest. We know that the requirements listed in it fit perfectly with being a Preach My Gospel missionary and will help you accomplish the things that are expected of you as a missionary in the OTM. The quest will not be an easy one, but it is doable and of great value to each of you. It will help you attain greater heights in the mission and be more prepared to find and teach those whom your Father in Heaven has prepared for you. The secret to achieving goals is to break them down into day by day activities so that they don’t seem so daunting. It will be so with this quest. As we fulfill the requirements of our “Quest for Discipleship,” we will also fulfill the achievements desired of our prophets in regards to missionary efforts.
Remember our scripture in 3 Nephi 5:13 – “Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of Him to declare His word among His people, that they might have everlasting life.” Being a true disciple of Christ is a life-long journey, so this quest will help us to continue our progress toward eternal life with Him and our Heavenly Father. In the scriptures we read about many true disciples such as Nephi, Abinadi, King Benjamin, Helaman, Mormon, Moroni, etc. These men all had the same thing in common-their greatest desire was to follow and become like Jesus Christ. What a blessing it is that we have the Book of Mormon, and other scriptures, which help us understand who we are and how we can find peace and joy in this life and eternal joy in the life to come.
We want to thank each of you for your great efforts during the month of February to try and reach our goal of one hundred baptisms. If our calculations are correct, we had seventy-five baptisms, which are the most that we’ve had since we arrived. Elder Martino, our Area Seventy, has asked all the stake presidents within our mission boundaries to make March the month we achieve one hundred baptisms throughout the mission. Thus, there will be many who will be focused on that goal this month. We hope that you will again do all within your power to attain this goal. Just as in the “Quest for Discipleship”, this goal needs to be broken down into setting daily goals: talking to twenty people every day, finding at least one new investigator and one or two potential investigators each day, and always having three or four investigators per companionship with baptismal dates.
We testify to you that this is the work of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. We have often shared with you Doctrine and Covenants 84:88. It is also a favorite of our Prophet Thomas S. Monson. As you wholeheartedly go forth as emissaries of our Savior Jesus Christ, He will “go before your face,” and “will be on your right hand and on your left, and [His] Spirit shall be in your hearts, and [His] angels round about you, to bear you up.” We promise you that you will feel His love and His power as you first do all that you can do to share this precious gospel with your brothers and sisters.
With Love, President and Sister Seal
Reminder from Sister Bowers
When submitting your baptismal records, remember:
Double check the form for accuracy and completeness.
Must be signed and dated at the bottom.
Always spell out month when writing date (9 Mar 2009).
Let me know if the current spouse is the parent of the children.
Mail baptism report to the office ASAP after baptism.
On page 146 of Preach My Gospel it states, “Goals reflect the desires of our hearts and our vision of what we can accomplish.” As missionaries we have been taught over and over again of the importance of setting goals and making plans to achieve them. We would remind you that there is great power in this principle. The mission provides an opportunity unlike any other in our lives to see the Lord’s hand revealed in bringing forth miracles. Whether it be an amount of OTM’s, New Investigators, or Baptisms in a transfer, as we show our willingness to reach higher, work harder, and pray more sincerely, we know that the Lord will allow us the opportunity to be reminded of whose work this is. Remember you only get one mission to serve, so be specific in your goal setting and GO BIG!!!
Preach My Gospel goes on to read, “Over time your mission president may establish…goals…to raise your vision and increase your faith.” At this present time we have been given the special challenge of our “Quest for Discipleship.” We know that this program is inspired from our Heavenly Father to help us “raise our vision and increase our faith.” At times the task may seem daunting and almost undoable. At those times, remember the contrast between Nephi and his brothers when asked to do something hard. His brothers complained as Nephi went and did and was greatly blessed for doing so. In those moments of challenge, Nephi came to know the Lord better than ever and was molded into the man that our Father in Heaven wanted him to be. In like manner, as we work towards “Our Quest,” we know that it will show to be a great accomplishment that will help us become the missionaries that Heavenly Father wants us to be.
We hope we can take this opportunity in our life to make a habit of setting goals and relying on the Lord for His help. We love you all and look forward to a transfer of miracles.
Elder Jurgensmeier and Elder Patterson
DO NOT under any circumstances file a change of address with the post office. This will mess up the mail for missionaries who replace you in the area, as well as the WHOLE mission.
Inform your family and friends of your new address when you find out you are being transferred. You may call the office for your new address if necessary. As a backup, mail may be sent to the OTM office, but try to keep your mail coming as directly to you as possible.
Proper Care of Mission Vehicles
As summer approaches and the weather gets better, we need to keep our vehicles clean, organized and maintained properly. If the prophet were to visit your area today, would he be impressed with your car’s cleanliness and upkeep? The Lord’s house is a house of order. You are entrusted with Heavenly Father’s vehicles and have the responsibility to care for them properly.
* Check the oil and other fluids at every fill up.
* Check tires at every fill up and maintain 35 P.S.I.
* Wash/ vacuum your vehicle every preparation day.
* Wax your vehicle every three months.
* Keep trunk clean and organized.
* Be careful when using bike racks to avoid scratches.
When the rules are obeyed at all times, the Lord is pleased. “But unto him that keepeth my commandments, I will give the mysteries of the Kingdom and the same shall be within him a well of living water, springing up unto everlasting life. D&C 63:23
Elder “Bear” Bowers
PS: Thanks to all that have prayed and fasted for me. I have been blessed in soooo many ways, especially just being among you great missionaries. May God bless you in all of your righteous endeavors.
If you have to go to the doctor, please remember these instructions:
Call Sister Seal. She will authorize you to go to the doctor.
You make your own appointments.
Use the mission office address on your paperwork, not your apartment.
If you are not insured by your parents, use your Missionary Medical Card and pay the $10 co-pay.
Parents’ insurances should be listed as primary insurance and Missionary Medical would be the secondary insurance.
If there is not home insurance, tell the Dr. to send all claims to the Missionary Medical address.
If you get a bill, send it to the mission office.
You can fill prescriptions at any pharmacy. Pay the $5 co-pay.
Report everything to Sister Seal after your visit.
Baptisms for January 2009
Ft. Smith
Gore Tesah Rae Haworth Thomason
McAlester Clarence Leon Green
Stephanie Michelle Martin
Teresa Diane Pilkington
Brian Lee Ridgway
Crystal Dawn Ridgeway
Mena Kimberly Linnea Compton
Sallisaw Scott Shannon Harrison
Deannie Sue Smith
Joplin Stake
Joplin 1st Caleb Michael Ryan
Kyle Joseph Surick
Miami Hannah Taylor Webb
Nevada Brandon Noel High
Rogers Stake
Little Flock Andrew Ray Doble II
John Dean Doble
Ruth Ann Hackett
Jeffrey Shaun Maher II
Jessica Rae Irene Maher
Rogers 1st Lloyd Henry Weitkamp
Springdale Stake
Fayettevlle Univ Monty E. Flowers
**Tiffany Erin Sibbett
Siloam Springs Nova A Edwards
Springdale 1st Baley Nicole Combs
Paul Elliott Lang
Julia Tiana Waste
Dexter Rithen Zedekiah
Springfield Stake
Aurora Anthony Hernandez
Faith Lee Merker
Elisa Marie Sherwood
Springfield Univ Jessica Anderson
Willard 2nd William T. Armstrong
Sandra Kay Hewitt
**Gomez Hermillo Ramirez
Jamie Lee Strunk
Springfield South
Ava Frank Keith Cornett Jr.
Branson 2nd Brennen A. Cantrell
Harrison Samantha Jo Sheldon
Mtn. Home Seibert Lee McCormick
Milala Rachelle Parton
Springfield 4th Katrinna Renee Hudson
Allen Joseph Stedham
St. Robert Stake
Lebanon McKenzie Nicole Molette
St. Robert Steven Craig Potter
Tulsa Stake
Bartlesville 2nd John Paul Taylor
Tulsa East Stake
Cedar Ridge Lakin Skye Cromar
Claremore Jane Susan Vaught Henryetta Linda Gail Denton Red Bud Felix Gonzalez Geronimo
**Baptism was in December 2008
OTM BAPTISMS-January 2009
(COV) Convert 11
(MD) Media Referrals: 1
(MR) Member Referrals: 7
(PM) Part-Member Family: 20
(T) Tracting: 2
(OTM’d) 7
Total Member Referrals: 77
OTM BAPTISMS-February 2009
(COV) Convert 29
(MD) Media Referrals: 2
(MR) Member Referrals: 17
(PM) Part-Member Family: 12
(T) Tracting: 1
(OTM’d) 11 TOTAL 72
Total Member Referrals: 99
Baptisms for February 2009
Ft. Smith
Alma Janice M. Freeman
Ft. Smith Brittney Davis
Andrean Marie Garcia
Christina Louise Moore
Mona Francine Williams
Muskogee Bethany Blan
Brittney Blan
Carla Tate
Joplin Stake
Joplin 1st Licia Christiine Arnold
Hortencia Elizabeth Rosales
Monett David Paul Wilke
Michael Damian Wilke
Daviena Sue Layton-Armstrong
Rogers Stake
Cassville Tempest Marie Gray
Centerton David Ovando
Grove Tina Sheldon
Little Flock Robert John Chuisano
Jabina Nanaway Lapija
Rogers 1st Daniel Pedigo
Rogers 2nd Steven Clark Sanders
Springdale Stake
Fayetteville 1st Mario Alberto Guerrero
Alexander Osorio
Stephanie Mata Solorzano
Fayetteville 2nd Bethany Reeves
Siloam Springs Miguel A. Paz
Springdale 1st Amanda Kay Atkins Springdale Mar Esmerita Butata Milne
Tahlequah Carolyn A. Homberger
Ethan Joseph Homberger
Springfield South
Ava Danny Lee Mackey
Branson 1st Evelina Montiel
Jesus Montiel
Precious Jade Teo
Branson 2nd Korey Jade Rogers
Mtn. Home Isaiah Dommic Diaz
Kyleigh Hardy
Drew Johnson
Springfield Stake
Springfield Univ Nathan R. Maxwell
Justin Edward Stacy
St. Robert Stake
Ft. Leonard Wood Joseph W. Ivester
Houston Kyelor Sonny Curis
Zachary Alan Wiggs
Osage Beach Ron Eugene Moyer
Rolla Jack William Greig
Charlene Rightnoway
St. Robert Isaac Richard Stone
Hannah Grace Wiley
Melissa Aubrianne Wiley
Robert Joseph Wiley
Sarah Elizabeth Wiley
Winona Mark Steven Scherffius
Tulsa Stake
Bartlesville 1st Roberto Ferguson ?
Kenneth Kelvin Vineyard
Bartlesville 3rd Skyler Winton
Cleveland Josh Lee Wheeler
Jenks Ashley Jane Osborn
New Haven Ivy Alexandra Benedict
Penelope Nicole Benedict
Cradie Bee Gills
Penelope Henriquez Rovira
Sapulpa Bonnie Jean Seter
Skiatook Nancy Carolyn Layton
Tulsa East Stake
Cedar Ridge Carol Ausland
Jovanni Antonio Martin
Claremore Eric Loring Poindexter
Henryetta Michael Glenn Cook
Indian Springs Mary Lou Hendrix
Mingo Valley Nicole C. Crabtree
Irvin D. Profit
Ranch Creek Billy Joe Grimm
Derek L. Marlow
Redbud Valley Jonathan Lopez
**Baptism was in January 2009
March Birthdays
01 Elder Marsh
01 Elder Anderson
02 Elder Hawkins
03 Elder Payne
03 Elder Siolaa
04 Elder MacDonald
05 Elder Richins
06 Elder B. Jacob Miller
09 Elder Williams
10 Elder Osmond
15 Elder Enciso
15 Elder Lashaway
17 Elder Albert
20 Elder Kowalk
21 Sister Frenzel
23 Elder Whitney
25 Elder Blair
25 Elder Hoyt
26 Elder Enfield
30 Elder Griffiths
30 Elder Jurgensmeier
31 Elder B. Chad Nielson
April Birthdays
03 Elder Otterstrom
10 Elder Hale
12 Elder Glunt
13 Sister Stiles
14 Elder Turner
14 Elder Twitchell
15 Elder Brady
15 Elder Buhler
16 Sister Garff
18 Sister Lay
20 Elder James Nielson
21 Elder Bowers
21 Sister Harker
21 Elder Morgan
21 Elder Shaw
23 Elder Diaz
24 Elder Barnett
Media Referral Miracle of the OTM
We had a really cool experience with a Media Referral. We were on exchanges for the day and were in an apartment complex. We called the office to get some information that didn’t make it through with the text message. It was really neat to see that the referral was at the apartments where we were. We knocked on her door and she asked us to come back in an hour. We did, and had a wonderful lesson. She hadn’t been to church in a few years and wanted to start going again. She asked for our help in understanding the scriptures. She wants to come to church. It was a very wonderful lesson. Elder Davis and Elder Begay
BELIEVE! A Forty Day Fast Miracle
We have seen some miracles. We have been vastly ignorant of how much this work can move forward if we just get out of the way and let the Lord do it. We found out the way that miracles often happen are in the story of Nephi getting the plates. As you remember the story and I tell you what we did, try and spot the similarities and steps. So the steps are:
So, here's our story. I'll just tell you beforehand, we were already trying hard to be obedient, so that step has already taken place for the most part.
It was Thursday morning, and we had to take the car in to the dealership. We decided to go and OTM people while we were waiting for the car instead of sitting in the lobby. We were out walking and we found this great new investigator. The spirit was very strong as we taught him on his front porch. We set up a return appointment for Tuesday. We were walking back and we OTM'd a couple on the street. We laced. They gave us the name of a man who is an amazing referral. Next, we picked up the car, and were off to our appointment.
We were being OBEDIENT, we put forth some EFFORT and SACRIFICE by leaving the comfort of the dealership chairs and going out and OTM'ing, even though it wasn't going to take too long. We FOLLOWED THE SPIRIT, because we hadn't planned where exactly we were going, and so we TURNED IT OVER TO THE LORD. In return, we found a new investigator and a referral. It gets better.
About 4:40, we had just finished teaching a lesson. I was hungry (surprise, surprise!) so we decided to go to Braum's, a burger joint. We were driving, and neither of us felt right, so we pulled over to pray. We were kind of having this "stupor of thought" until Elder Buhler mentioned the name of the referral that we had received earlier in the day. We immediately felt good again, so we went in his direction. We knocked on his door and he immediately let us in. He told us about his love of Christ. The spirit was so strong. We testified of Christ and gave him a Finding Faith in Christ DVD. We set a return appointment. We left his house feeling we still needed to do some work in the area. We OTM’d a kid outside playing basketball. The parents came outside, and invited us to come back. We went across the street and knocked. The lady there invited us to come back. A family of four, all new investigators. We found six potential investigators from that one little trip up into that part of town.
Here are the steps again: We were being OBEDIENT by not having an early dinner contrary to our plans. We put forth EFFORT to go to that part of town. We ended up SACRIFICING dinner for quite a while, too. We were LED BY THE LORD, not knowing beforehand what we should do, and we found miracles, and not just one, but many from TURNING IT OVER TO THE LORD. By FOLLOWING THE SPIRIT, we even found some "Zorams," or people to help along the way! You got to love it.
Love, Elder Stapley and Elder Buhler
New Arrivals
Elder Matthew Anderson
Elder David Bustamante
Elder Bryce Clinger
Elder Garrett Day
Elder Enrique Diaz
Elder David Enfield
Elder Tyler Holmes
Sister Carrie Jensen
Elder Ryan Kowalk
Elder Christian Moosman
Sister Jessica Myler
Elder Justin Raleigh
Elder Connor Rees
Elder Jeffery Tompson
Elder Ian Whitaker
Departing Missionaries
Elder John Clark
Elder Gabriel Doninguez
Elder Steven Foxford
Elder Zakary Hosking
Elder Kaneko Kaneko
Elder James Lelis
Elder Kyle Mack
Sister Josephine Mundt
Elder Ryan Nickle
Elder Michael Reese
Elder Daeson Rueckert
Elder Anthony Wilbur
Elder Austin Wride
Plan, Prepare, and Follow the Spirit
We felt impressed to find in a certain section of town and made plans to do so. When the day finally came, our first door was not so successful. However, the second door we knocked, we found what we had been looking for. The man who came to the door looked kind of upset or crazy. The TV was up way loud and it just didn’t seem like this is where we’d find success. However, my companion continued and gave his best effort in a humble way. Lo and behold! This man was a less active who had been baptized nearly 20 years earlier in this exact ward and then had moved away only to come back now. He invited us in and said he had felt like he was supposed to move back, but had no idea why until we knocked on his door. He wanted us to come back and to teach his wife. This was a miracle and we were blessed to find it quickly through faith, diligence and humility. Those seeking the gospel are out there. Let’s get ’em.
Elder Goold and Elder Brady
My Most Memorable Mission Experience
By Elder Casey Greer
I was being trained and was struggling to learn the Spanish language. My companion decided to leave me in the area for a day with a Marshallese elder to do exchanges. The night before the exchange, I said one of the most fervent prayers I can remember. Because I was nervous about staying in the area by myself, I asked God to bless me with the gift of tongues so I could have an effective day.
As we went out the next day, I felt calm. We went to visit a woman at an apartment and found her outside on the phone, panicking, pacing back and forth. I asked her if I could help, and she told me her son was in jail for drunk driving and she was worried he might get deported. I was amazed that I understood her. The thought came to me to ask her if she would like a blessing. She accepted. In my broken Spanish, I explained what a blessing was, and then we laid our hands on her head. I don’t remember what was said, but remember wondering if she understood anything at all.
She started attending church. At a future appointment, she started crying and thanked us for the blessing. She said that when we laid our hands on her head, it felt like our hands belonged to the angels. She felt the power of the priesthood and the healing touch of the Savior.
This is memorable to me because it reminds me that this isn’t our work, but the Lord’s work. He does help us. He makes our weaknesses become strong. I bear my testimony that this is His work.
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