News Item: Iron Rod October 2009
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Oklahoma Tulsa Mission October, 2009
“Remember,” said the Lord to the Prophet Joseph Smith, “that that which cometh from above is sacred and must be spoken with care and by constraint of the Spirit.” (D&C 63:64) The primary example of speaking carefully of sacred things is found in the 107th Section of the Doctrine and Covenants where it is revealed that the Holy Priesthood after the Order of the Son of God began to be called the Melchizedek Priesthood so as to “avoid the too frequent repetition of His name.” (D&C 107:1-4) This change in the name of the priesthood should help us understand how carefully we should speak of sacred things and Holy Beings. We would never swear by taking the name of God in vain because it is a commandment to not do so and the “Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh His name in vain.” (Exodus 20:7) But even beyond the willful taking of His name in vain, we should be careful in speaking His name. As we ask blessings in the name of our Savior we should do so with reverence and with distinct pronunciation.
Once beginning a prayer, we should use “prayer language” such as Thee, Thy and Thou. We have been asked to be careful about readdressing the Father in our prayers in the spirit of “avoiding the too frequent repetition of His name.” As we conclude a prayer to our Heavenly Father, we have been asked to speak the name of Jesus Christ clearly and without speeding through the conclusion of the prayer. The same could be said about concluding our testimonies in the name of the Lord—speaking that conclusion in an unrushed, well-pronounced, dignified declaration.
In his June 2009 Ensign article, Elder Douglas L. Callister spoke of “Our Refined Heavenly Home” and identified that the language that God speaks is restrained,
modest and refined. “When God described the grand creational process of this earth, He said in measured tones that „it was good‟ (Gen 1:4) We would be disappointed if God had used „awesome‟ or other exaggerated phrases.” Perhaps “awesome” might be reserved
A Band of Brotherhood--
Teaching a More Excellent Way
“Without the Spirit, you will never succeed regardless of your talent and ability.”
for the Atonement and its effect upon the sum total of His creations, which would include all of His children that ever have been or ever would be upon the multitude of earths in His Domain.
The prophet Joseph Smith felt the dignity of his calling and was brought to retrospection when he “fell into many foolish errors, and displayed the weakness of youth, and the foibles of nature. I was guilty of levity,” he said, “and sometimes associated with jovial company, etc, not consistent with that character which ought to be maintained by one who was called of God.” (JSH 1:28) Being called of God like we have been as missionaries, do we always identify with the dignity of our calling and reflect that dignity in our speech? Are we ever subject to light-mindedness and unrefined or even crude language? Levity and light-mindedness seems to be more prevalent when we are in our youth, as it was with the Prophet Joseph. But despite being young, do we not have an obligation to resist such things? Do we remember that we have made a covenant to avoid such things?
Unrefined speech can dull our sensitivity to the Spirit that is required to direct our efforts in teaching and finding. President Ezra Taft Benson said, “The Spirit is the single most important element in this work. With the Spirit magnifying your call, you can do miracles for the Lord in the mission field.” But he also warned that, “Without the Spirit, you will never succeed regardless of your talent and ability.” (PMG, p 176)
“Let no man despise thy youth,” said the Apostle Paul, “but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.” (1Timothy 4:12) We learned just a few weeks ago that a gentleman observed a party of our missionaries with bowed heads praying over their food in a public restaurant. That gentleman commended our missionaries for doing so and astutely observed that “The Lord is always watching you, but you never know who else may be watching you!” May we be blessed as we strive to be that example to others in our thoughts, in our actions, in our conduct and in refined and dignified language.
President and Sister Merkley
A Message from your Vehicle Coordinator
Elder Bear Bowers
The mission vehicle is the Lord‟s property. Elder Ballard counsels, “The mission vehicle is a great asset that the Church purchases with sacred funds.” Many people judge you and the church by the way your vehicle looks. Remember, you have a sacred responsibility to watch after your assigned vehicle. It belongs to the Lord. Read and memorize your accident packet and the information on the envelope. Wash your car every preparation day. Wax in quarterly. Vacuum as needed. Keep proselyting materials in a box or other container in the trunk. Use caution when installing your bike rack to avoid scratching the car.
The Lord has allowed us to teach with many comforts. Let us show Him we appreciate the blessing of a vehicle. Most importantly, be obedient to his rules. They are there to help you accomplish his tasks, mainly to bring souls unto Christ. Have a great mission.
Elder Bowers
. October Birthdays 03 Elder Budden 03 Elder Peter Call 03 Elder Chapman 09 Elder Paget 09 Elder Rees 10 Elder Thompson 12 Elder Poulsen 13 Sister Hawkins 16 Elder J. James Bracken 17 Elder Tong 20 Elder Brett Phillips 24 Elder Jacobson 26 Elder Clark 30 Elder Chadwick Smith
November Birthdays 01 Elder Evans 01 President Merkley 02 Elder Dill 04 Elder Ellison 07 Elder Woodward 08 Sister DeCoursey 08 Elder Hirshfeld 11 Elder Brostrom 18 Elder Shea Phillips 18 Elder Wall 23 Elder Painter
Baptisms for August, 2009 Ft. Smith Ft. Smith Fernando Ramos Reynoso Greenwood Andrew Joseph Dabbs Savana Starr Williams Tripp Justus Williams McAlester Andrew Martin Nylin Sallisaw Meric Bruce Ransom Harris Jessica Gay McCollum Rebekah Lynn Price Joplin Stake Miami David Albert Harkness Neosho Felicia Denise Eads Parsons Brighton Destiny Wilson-Adams Pittsburg Marietta Carol Davis Annette Louise Payne Rogers Stake Bentonville 2nd Tammy Lynn Isom Cassville Ryan Scott Pankratz Trevor Allen Pankratz Grove Stephen Michael Quinn Little Flock James Dwayne Douthitt Rogers 2nd Spanish Mariana Duran Springdale Stake Fayetteville 2nd Gina Andrew Prairie Grove Linda Fae Spencer Johnnie Ray Wall Springdale 3rd Mars. Maka Toa Ahio Anet Meshai Springfield Stake Springfield 1st Richard Bron Parker II Stockton Dakota James Henley Willard 1st Barbara Gail Gaynor Randall Glen Gaynor Springfield South Springfield 5th Mason Charles Troy Camden Tina Smith
St. Robert Stake Houston Geraldine Lee Hall Mountain Grove Adam Corey Richardson Osage Beach Brenda Joann Banuelos Kyle Lee Matthew McCrackin Rolla Briana Logan Gargus St. Robert Deborah Marie Fairchild Raymond Eugene Fairchild Chazden Hawk Stribling Cypress Rayne Stribling Tulsa Stake Riverside Scott Andrew Szabo Tulsa East Stake Claremore Eliza Ivory Ann Barber Henryetta Eddie Robert Fish Mingo Valley David Richard Durant Ranch Creek Jasmin Elyane Conner Juline Corine Conner Redbud Valley Spanish Francisco Cesar Arreola Jonathan Arreola Jose Luis Barrios Marta Aurora Cruz Marlen Moreno Leonardo Merced Saavedra Rafael Saavedra BAPTISMS-August, 2009 (COV) Convert 0 (MD) Media Referrals: 1 (MR) Member Referrals: 21 (PM) Part-Member Family 19 (T) Tracting: 1 (Mil) Military 0 (OTM‟d) 7 TOTAL 49
Member Referrals = 106
BAPTISMS-September, 2009
(COV) Convert 2
(MD) Media Referrals: 2
(MR) Member Referrals: 29
(PM) Part-Member Family 18
(T) Tracting: 2
(Mil) Military 1
(OTM‟d) 12
Member Referrals =68
Baptisms for September, 2009
Ft. Smith Ft. Smith Florencio Martinez Anguiano McAlester Thomas Edward Russell Hampton Amilia Jo Kendrick Billy Earl Smith Samantha Smith Sallisaw Austin Ryan Johnson Joplin Stake Carthage Alexander Santiago Martinez Granby Timothy James Courtney Miami Tyrae Michael Daugherty Jared Neil Mountford Kari Lynn Mountford Chance Jakob Perry Monett Angelina Elizabeth Ortiz Nevada Graham Bruce Gentry Parsons Adam Alexander Gharmalker Pittsburg Kennedi Stafford Alartosky Justin Christopher Tierney Webb City Rory Gene Stuckey Rogers Stake Little Flock Alyssa Nicole Dawson Karen Marie Dawson Rogers 2nd Naomi Chaves Rubio Springdale Stake Fayetteville 1st Ashley Elizabeth McGarrah Fayetteville Univ Joshua Wayne Cagle Cesar De Jesus Solorzana Siloam Springs Phillip Levi Martinez Springdale 3rd Jeffery Kano Hax Connie Jokna Jibi Jokna Tadson Lang Wijtak Matauto
Springfield Stake
Springfield 2nd Valerie Regina Drammond Charles Fletcher Paulsen Springfield South Ava Donald Phillips Gary Simmons Jr. Branson 1st Cindy Lynn Hogan St. Robert Stake Osage Beach Martin Thane Briggs Francis Xavier Geilfuss II Eldon Felipe Falcon Alexandrino Angela Hope Busch Jeff Michael Pryor Patricia Dale Pryor Tatiana Falcon Pryor Ft Leonard Wood Daniel Allen Silcott St. Robert Kyle David Hennessy Judy Ann Looney Kaleb Michael Looney Kristen Natasha Looney Gloria Marisol Reilly Rolla Chloe Victoria Dunaway Joyce Jane Lique Tulsa Stake Cleveland Jade Marie Haley Joseph Barnes Smith Tyler Dixon Nestrole Independence Amber Rose Ellis New Haven Maddison JoAnn Summer Tulsa East Stake Brookhollow Summer R. DeBella Emily Marie Thomas Claremore Breonna Noel Smith Henryetta Cassie Lynn Hage Ranch Creek Kyle Elias Mouser Red Bud Valley Cody Ryan Foster Pryor Lixin Li
Tulsa Univ Heather Lynn Cherwinski
Live It Well
“Take advantage of this great opportunity in your life to live it well, to be good, to have good works, and to influence other people for good.”
David B. Haight,
Departing Missionaries
Elder Mahoney
Elder Brady
Elder Hunting
Elder Caresia
Elder Hendricks
Elder West
Return with Honor! New Arrivals
Elder Brad Fellows, SLC, UT Elder Matthew Fox, Clayton, ID Elder Dallin Funk, Calgary, Can Elder Russell Hansen, Kuna, ID Elder George Howe,Chandler, AZ Elder Adam Lichuk, Carey, ID Elder Joshua Lloyd, Fruit Heights, UT
Elder Daniel Manser, West Valley City, UT Elder Dennis Moxon, Provo, UT Elder Tyler Nelson,Las Vegas, NV Elder Ethan Poole, Rigby, ID Elder Walker Riley, Cathlamet, WA Elder Edward Schofield, Pleasant Grove, UT Elder Zarek Taylor, Elk Grove, CA
August 14, 2009
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Thank you for giving me such a nice welcome. I never thought I would do this, become a member of any other church, because of my beliefs. Now, I am forever thankful to Elders Bennett, Rees, and Smethurst, as well as Elders Enfield and Palomino. All of them are great. God, our Lord, knows about the wonderful job they are doing.
It is a pleasure to have them around. They all are maybe moving on to other places, but one thing I know for sure, I will always have them in my heart. They are great friends. There is a chance we will never see each other again, but God is so great, he might have a surprise for us later on in this life. I will miss them, but also, I don’t want to be selfish. I know they are going to make our world a better place and our lives a lot better.
I want to share these words with you all, so you know they are making it work. Before any of this happened, I was a normal guy with some knowledge, not a lot, but I knew something. I was a boring person and maybe went to church 3 or 4 times a year if not less. I believed in God, but I always turned to him in the bad times only. So after not getting any answers, I just gave up on him. But with time, I have learned that God will never abandon you. He will always be there for you, as a friend, as a father, and as God.
I refused to open the door to other elders many months before, and suddenly, they pop out of nowhere, and went straight to my heart. Now, every time they don’t show up at home, I get sad and don’t want them to leave. How funny!
The day I was baptized was a great day. That day, I saw life differently, brighter colors, happier air. I don’t know how to explain it. All I know is that it is better, which is great. The day I received your letter, I was excited, because I got a letter, not a bill or advertisement.
Elders are moving away from me, but they will always be in my heart, no matter how far away they are. Now that I am a member, I have received many blessing, including Sundays off, transferring from night shift to day shift, and peace in my heart. I know I can count on the members of the church, which is a wonderful thing. And to top things, I am a happier person. What else would I want?
I know the Church is true. I know the Book of Mormon is true. I believe the prophets are real as well, and with their help, the world will be a better place.
God bless you and thank you. Sincerely,
Eugenio Brian Garcia
Rogers, Arkansas
ASSISTANTS’ MESSAGE The Challenge to Become Our Best What a great time it is to be serving the Lord in the Oklahoma Tulsa Mission. Many of God’s children have come with inquiring minds to the knowledge of the truthfulness of the Restored Gospel; in large measure because of your efforts. The responsibility we have is great and with this great responsibility comes a great challenge: “A challenge to become our best.” This challenge is simple and when applied with the spirit of consistency; over time we will see unleashed refinement. In Preach My Gospel is found the formula to begin with the end in mind, on page 152 is found the equation. “Take a few moments and think about your final day in the mission field. When that day comes:
1) What do you want to say you have done as a missionary?
2) What do you want to have become?
3) What differences would you want others to notice in you?
As we see ourselves in that state, what crucial key elements does the Spirit bring to our mind? Our invitation is to treasure up the whisperings of the Spirit by writing down what comes to our mind, and then in that moment we become agents, to act or to be acted upon. “We are challenged to move through a process of conversion toward that status and condition called eternal life. This is achieved not just by doing what is right, but by doing it for the right reason—for the pure love of Christ (Elder Dallin H. Oaks).”
What pathway will lead us to our envisioned destination? In an effort to become the teacher the Lord wants us to be, may each of us ask ourselves: What more can I do to become the teacher the Lord wants me to be? Once we enter that sphere of thought, the Lord, through the process of refinement, will go before our face and buoy us up so that we can shout from the roof tops, Repentance and Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ with confidence in the Holy One of Israel.
This challenge will ultimately come down to your personal desire, the desire to become your best. “Unto what were ye ordained? To preach my gospel by the Spirit, even the Comforter which was sent forth to teach the truth (D&C 50:13-14).” And by the weak things of the earth the Lord shall thrash the nations by the power of His Spirit.
Elders and Sisters, unto what were ye ordained?
Elder Jensen and Elder Begay
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