Comments: "Randall Dee Peterson, 47, Cowley 2nd Ward, Lovell Wyoming Stake; Blazer Scout leader; former stake president, high councilor, bishop, ward Sunday School president, and missionary in the Philippines Mission; vice president of The Office Shop Inc.; received bachelor's degree in microbiology at BYU; born in Lovell, Wyo., to Dee Ray and Leola Rose Doty Peterson; married Karen Busteed; four children. She is a ward Primary president; former ward music director, Primary teacher, Primary music leader, counselor in stake Young Women and Primary presidencies and counselor in ward Young Women presidency; X-ray technician; received certification at School of Radiology Technology; born in Lovell, Wyo., to Richard Wardell and Shirley Ann Lewis Busteed."
- LDS Church News, Saturday, February 26, 2000
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