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Doeshann  Beach Alumni Photo

Sister Doeshann Beach

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Ronald Andrew Smart (1999 - 2002) | John Riley Cushing (2002 - 2005)
Served: 2001 - 2003
Areas Served:
Eugene 3rd, 6th, & 8th;McMinnville2nd&3rd;Springfield2nd;Medford4th&5th;Coquille Ward,Bandon&Port Orford Branches
Kristal Barbour | Sisa Jill Chappell | Megan L Fife | Anne Kay Hansen | Amy M Hintze | Tokie Horn (Chang)
Your Occupation: receptionist
Life has been a big lesson lately!! I was put in the RS pres. as the 2nd Councilor, over enrichment! Boy, oh boy it’s been an adventure. Luckily I serve with the coolest presidency ever.
I’m still working at the Lumber Company and playing as much as possible. In the past few months my two younger brothers married the greatest gals!!

Other than that LIFE is grand!!
Created: 21 Apr 2003  Modified: 08 Oct 2008
Last Login: 08 Oct 2008 01:33:43 PM

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