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Sister Amy M Hintze

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John Riley Cushing (2002 - 2005)
Served: 2002 - 2004
Areas Served:
Coquille, Sweet Home, Medford, Springfield
Doeshann Beach | Lisa Casey | Sisa Jill Chappell | Emily Dean | Emily Dean | Natalie Christine Mills | Lisa Whitlock (Casey)
Your Occupation: Mechanical Engineer
I am working as an Engineer out at ATK Thiokol. This new job is challenging and fun. I'm living in Logan and having a great time. I guess that means back to the singles ward, ahhh! If you're in the area give me a call.
Created: 17 Apr 2004  Modified: 27 Aug 2004
Last Login: 22 Nov 2004 08:57:24 PM

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