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Sister Lisa Casey

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John Riley Cushing (2002 - 2005)
Served: 2003 - 2004
Areas Served:
Springfield, Medford, Salem
Amy M Hintze | Amber Sagers
Your Occupation: High School Aide
Spouse: Wes Whitlock (23 April 2005)
I also served with Sisters Eliason, Rawlins, Holmgren and Watkins. Most of you know that i was going to be marrying Elder Fish, but plans have changed. I am actually going to be marrying a young man named Wes Whitlock from Seattle on April 23, 2005 in the Mesa Temple!!! How crazy huh! IT's amazing how Heavenly Father knows what is the best for us especially when we don't. I am so excited!!
Created: 03 Sep 2004  Modified: 25 Dec 2004
Last Login: 25 Dec 2004 11:17:48 PM

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