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Sister Lisa Whitlock (Casey)

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John Riley Cushing (2002 - 2005)
Served: 2003 - 2004
Language(s) spoken:English
Areas Served:
Springfield, Medford, Salem
Amy M Hintze | Amber Sagers
Your Occupation: Loan Officer
Spouse: Wesley
I also served with Shannon Holmgren and a few other wonderful sisters!! Wes and i are very happiliy married here in arizona. We have been married now for a year and a half now!! We have a beautiful 1 year old labrador puppy named Abby! Life is treating us well. The year has just flown by with so much going on in our family with the death of my younger brother and the birth of my adorable nephew, it's been quite a year. Things are good and i would love to hear from you. We aren't able to make it to the reunion, we just got back from our vacation to Seattle!
Created: 28 Aug 2006  Modified: 28 Aug 2006
Last Login: 05 Dec 2004 11:01:11 PM

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