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Hermana Kathy (Kate) Jo Lyon (Broadhead) Información de contacto escondida - Entrada
Mandar Mensaje
Presidentes: James L. Shurtleff (1980 - 1983) | Sirvió: 1981 - 1983 | Idioma(s) hablado:Dule Y Espanol | Áreas: David, San Jose, Carti Tupile, Nargana, Ukupa, Irgandi | Esposo(a): Bruce W. Lyon | Comentarios: Hola todos,
I'm Kathy (Kate) Lyon; alias Hermana Broadhead, or Nono Dumat.
I've been married to my best friend Bruce Lyon for 27 years now.
We have 4 boys and one girl. Paul (26), Jeff (24), Tom (22), Scott (20), Jenny (17). Paul served a mission in Argentina and is married to Kara Jo Willis; they have one child, Caleb. Jeff returned from the Bulgaria Sofia Mission, is attending USU, will graduate with a degree in Music. Tom has returned from the Mexico City West Mission and attends USU. Scott is on his mission in Torreon, Mexico and returns in 2012. Jenny is the lone child at home now. She is a Senior and a captain on the high school swim team and needless to say enjoys swimming. My husband is now outnumbered at home since all our boys are gone. He enjoys it!
I loved the mission and still frequently speak Spanish to the Latin population here in Utah. I recently worked at the Centro de La Familia (Migrant Head Start) as a substitute teacher. It's exciting to be able to serve these wonderful Spanish-speaking people here.
I'm grateful for all of you who I met in the mission field so many years ago! Thanks for your influence on my life. |
Creado: 20 Mar 2008 Modificado: 20 Jul 2011 |
Última entrada: 20 Jul 2011 09:59:20 AM |
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