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  Misión Panamá, Ciudad de Panamá

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Passing of Sister Maxine Williams 25 Jul 2018
Sister Maxine Williams, President Duane Williams' wife (1998-2001), passed away Monday morning (July 23). The funeral is Saturday July 28th at 11:00 am at 12345 S 2700 W, Riverton, Utah. The family has asked any missionaries that served with them to please come sing "Called to Serve". Please let Michael Bybee ( know if you can come. Thanks!
Jay Harvey Mandar Mensaje
Elder Marvell Smith Passed Away 23 Sep 2013
I saw an obituary today that Elder Marvell Smith passed away. I thought I would post this in case you would have liked to know.

Mark Taylor Ballstaedt Mandar Mensaje
Buscando una familia 05 Jul 2011
Estoy buscando una familia que ensenamos de Don Bosco pero se mudaron a Arraijan. Si alguien tiene informacion de contacto del presidente de estaca de Arraijan que me lo mande por favor. Gracias! O si alguien tiene informacion de la familia Soto (Francisco y Zobeida) me gustaria saber!
Alan Lovell Anderson Mandar Mensaje
Visitas a Honduras 28 Mar 2011
Hola, companeros, soy Sabin Hinton, un Elder quien sirvio en la Mision Ciudad Panama 1996-1998. Estoy trabajando como Funcionario del Departamento del Estado EE.UU por los ultimos 8 anos. Ahora mi trabajo me lleva frequentemente al centro y el sur de las Americas. De hecho, estoy en Honduras este mes del 27 Mar al 2Abril. Cualquier cosa me contacte. Me email personal es sabinh AT gmail dot com
Sabin Hinton Mandar Mensaje
Elder Membreño 09 Jan 2011
Lastimosamente tengo que notificar que el Elder Membreño (Juan Jose) que sirvio por los años 2000 y de Honduras, fallecio el domingo 09 de Enero de 2011 a raiz de un paro cardiaco. no estuve con el como compañero y no recuerdo exactamente cuando estuvo el sirviendo en panama, si alguien sabe mas detalles favor notificar a los demas. es mi email.
Adrian E. Castro Mandar Mensaje
Eliab Land 27 Sep 2010
Fui Elder Rogel estoy tratando de contactar a un amigo cuando estuve en el año 2000 en Loma Cobá llamado Eliab Land, un Kuna, amante de el baile y la musica (como todos los demas kunas) fué mi secretario cuando estuve como presidente, por favor alguien me puede ayudar a contactarlo, lo he buscado en sonico y hasta me suscribí pero quizas ya no ve esa pagina. gracias de antemano
Rene Rogel Mandar Mensaje
Pres. Seegmiller condition 15 Mar 2010
Here is the latest on Pres. Seegmiller:

He is home and doing better each day. There is still one problem that we have not diagnosed for sure that keeps him in a great deal of pain but we are working on it. Thanks to all for your thoughtfulness and prayers. This is the power of combined faith that is so powerful and the reason the Lord has chosen to give him yet another extension on this earth. We love you. - Sister Seegmiller
Annette D. Gamero Mandar Mensaje
Update on Pres. Seegmiller 16 Feb 2010
The following is a message from Sis. Seegmiller:

Thank you so much for all of your faith and prayers in Ed's behalf. We have seen the results of the Power of combined prayer in the past and have once again witnesses a miracle. These little miracles could not have happened without your love and support as you prayed to Heavenly Father that His will would be done on Ed's behalf.

He is now out of the hospital and will go back as a outpatient each day with a pic line to have intravenous antibiotic 7 days a week for 6 weeks. We know how close he was to not pulling though this last ordeal, but somehow the Lord has once again extended his life so that he can finish his work here on earth.

Thanks for letting us rub shoulders with such stalward steadfast and immovable individuals of Faith.

Love, Ed and Sherie Seegmiller
Annette D. Gamero Mandar Mensaje
President Seegmiller's health 10 Feb 2010
The following message is from Chimene Seegmiller (President Seegmiller's daughter):

Hey can you do me a favor and send this out to everyone that went to Panama? We need all the prayers we can get. We are not really having a whole bunch of visitors yet but we just wanted you to know whats up.
Hey, I just wanted to let everyone know that my dad is sick in the hospital. He is in very serious conditions. He has strep B in his blood. It's already in his heart. Strep B can go to your kidneys, heart and the brain. We just need lots of prayers so the doctors can be able to help him. If anyone has any questions please email me His arms, stomach and legs are swollen. Hurts to walk or move. They asked for his will yesterday in case something happens to him when they are taking care of him. My mom and I are taking turns taking care of him at the hospital. He has to have someone stay with him 24/7. He is all drugged up. He is actually really funny on that. That's the best part of it. But I just thought to let you know. He has been at the Intermountain Health Center. Its the new IHC hospital right next to Cosco. They have been great so far. We have been here since Saturday.

Jay Harvey Mandar Mensaje
Kuna Speakers Wanted 26 Oct 2009
Hello Kuna Speakers,

I am currently serving on the board of a Humanitarian Organization called VIDA ( Over the past 5 years we have worked to establish a presence in Kuna Yala and with the Regional Panamanian Health Organization. We are looking for missiononaries who served in Kuna Yala and who may want to return for a 10 day humanitarian project. We have committed to the village of Irgandi to help build a library. Irgandi is going to supply the labor, the Panamanian Gov is supplying the architectural plans and foreman, and VIDA is in charge of supplies.

We have a list of building materials, books, school supplies with their prices. With Christmas around the corner, if you have families, churches, friends or businesses that would be willing to give money, you can really make a difference in the lives of the people in this village.

People or organizations can buy a roof, a wall, a bookcase, Math books, etc. for children in Irgandi. We have a breakdown of all of the costs which total $14,000.

The women of the village have made beautiful molas which we have framed. We are saving these for people and businesses who donate more than $1000. Each art peice has the picture of the woman who made it and the story about the village.

If you are interested in helping build this library or to raise supplies, please let me know. We are having our first meeting Nov 8th at 730pm at 750 E Lisonbee Ave (3120 S) in Salt Lake City or send me a note.

You can make a difference. Thanks. You can contact me at or 801.455.5268.
Christopher Lee MacPherson Mandar Mensaje
por favor 25 May 2009
servi en kativa ,barriada cuna y doleguita 1988-1990, saludarme a todos y por si acaso alguien quiere escribirme, mi correo
elder juarez en aquellos dias , ahora hermano victor manuel JUAREZ.
si alguien sabe de los misioneros de esos lugares por fa quisiera saber sus correos.
Victor Manuel Juarez Mandar Mensaje
saludos 01 Feb 2009
alguien conoce a damaris pinzon por favor ,dar mi correo o pedir el suyo
Victor Manuel Juarez Mandar Mensaje
a mis queridos amigos de panama 23 Sep 2008
quisiera saber de la familia bonilla en la chorrera y otras que me conocieron,alguien puese ayudar.o correo de misioneros que estan en las areas donde servi:cativa,chorrrera, chiriqui.porfavor.muchisimas gracias.
!felicidades por su templo!
Victor Manuel Juarez Mandar Mensaje
¡Excurción a panamá! Dedicación del templo 25 May 2008
Para reunirnos con ustedes y recordar esos buenos momentos vividos en la mision junto a nuestros compañeros y a nuestros presidentes de misión. Solo misioneros retornados y miembros con recomendacion vigente. Agradeceriamos si nos ayudan a publicarla.

Xela a las 2:00 a. m. (la rotonda)
Guate a las 5:30 a.m. (a fuera del templo)

Para mas informacion, llamar o escribir a Hno. René Zaldaña (ex Elder Zaldaña)
Quetzaltenango, Guatemala
Tel. 77 65 08 93
Cel. 51 25 54 41
Jay Harvey Mandar Mensaje
Cruise to Panama 27 Mar 2008
My husband and I are interested in going on a cruise through the Panama Canal next year. Does anyone know of one that stops in Costa Rica? I'm also especially looking for one that might stop in Carti Tupile, San Blas where I served in 1982. I've researched it a little and can't find any info on a ship stopping at the islands like they used to when I was a missionary. I'd be glad to hear from someone who knows.

Also, can someone who was recently on the islands tell me how the church is currently doing there? Is there a branch on Carti Tupile? Thanks!

Kathy Broadhead Lyon
Kathy (Kate) Jo Lyon Mandar Mensaje
Looking for a new webmaster... 30 Jan 2008
I am looking to hand off the responsibility of Webmaster of the Panama Mission Alumni Website to someone who has recently returned home from their mission to Panama. Only a few hours a month are necessary to authorize posts and respond to questions. If you are interested in volunteering to take over this role, please contact me.
Jay Harvey Mandar Mensaje
Templo de Panama 29 Jan 2008
A todos los interesados en asistir a la Dedicacion del templo de Panama , la empresa Panama Tourism & Travel tiene un paquete TODO INCLUIDO si quieres saber mas visita nuestra pagina web
Click en la opcion Dedicacion al templo
o escibenos a

Marina Ehrman
Marina Ehrman Mandar Mensaje
Esta usted planeando una visita a Panama? 07 Jan 2008
Hermana Marina Ehrman trabaja como un agente de tourismo y me ha contactado para ver si hay interes en viajar a Panama para la casa abierta o dedicacion del templo. Si usted este interesado, mandele una email aqui:
Jay Harvey Mandar Mensaje
Vistas de Panama del satélite 03 Jan 2008
Hay una pagina del Internet que nos da la oportunidad de "descrubir el mundo" usando vistas del mundo de satélite. Es bien chevere. Puede usted encontrar los areas donde trabajaba como misionero? He puesto una link bajo "Otros Sitios" que se llama "Panama en WikiMapia".
Jay Harvey Mandar Mensaje
Reunión en Panamá- Meeting in Panama 2008 27 Nov 2007
Hola a todos. Nos gustaría hacer una reunión durante la dedicación del Templo en Panamá el próximo año, en especial los Misioneros(as) de 1996-1998 Pte Seegmiller. Por favor agradeceré puedan retroalimentarnos para saber cuantos estarían dispuestos a viajar a Panamá o en su defecto a reunirse en algun otro país con los Seegmiller. Pueden contactarme al email para empezar a levantar la lista.

Hi everyone, We would like to know how many of you will attend the Panama´s Temple dedication and the posibility to meet with the Seegmillers there (missionaries from 1996-1998). I would like to set a list of people and check options to have the meeting in Panamá or another Country in Central America.
Send me an email please so we can do arrangements.

Freddy Marin
Freddy Marin Castro Mandar Mensaje
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