| Elder Brad Jorgensen46650 Oak Lane Sterling, VA 20165
Mandar Mensaje
Presidentes: William Edward Seegmiller (1995 - 1998) | Duane Bruce Williams (1998 - 2001) |
Sirvió: 1998 - 2000 |
Idioma(s) hablado:Spanish, Kuna |
Áreas: Colon (Neuevo Mejico), San Blas (Tikantiki), Chorrera (Bella Esperanza), San Isidro (Santa Librada/ El Valle), Tocumen (Neueva Esperanza) |
Compañeros: Ammon Jeremiah Lee Shumway | Benjamin Stevenson | Joseph D Williams |
Trabajo: Government Contracts Attorney (DLA Piper US LLP) |
Esposo(a): Mary Jorgensen (Cowan) |
Comentarios: Greetings from Washington DC!
After graduating law school in New York in 2006, we relocated to Silver Spring, Maryland, where we lived until 2012 when we moved to Sterling, Virginia.
I work in downtown Washington, DC, at the law firm DLA Piper US LLP (www.dlapiper.com). I primarily handle government contract litigation on behalf of large contractors doing business with the federal government.
We have four wonderful kids and are loving life. If you are in the Washington DC area, please let us know. We have plenty of space and would love to put any of you up for a few nights.
Best regards,
Brad Jorgensen |
Creado: 10 May 2003 Modificado: 03 Apr 2013 |
Última entrada: 03 Apr 2013 06:31:53 AM |