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Elder Richard Bandley Información de contacto escondida - Entrada
Mandar Mensaje
Presidentes: Duane Bruce Williams (1998 - 2001) | Hugo Boren (2001 - 2004) | Sirvió: 2001 - 2003 | Áreas: Torrijos Carter, Cardenas, San Ignacio de Tupile, Doleguita, & Aguadulce | Compañeros: Marco Polo Coronado | Ryan Dale Heward | Jason Moore Ray | Esposo(a): Brittany | Comentarios: I'm getting married tomorrow!!! (July 9, 2005) I'm so excited! Her name is Brittany Brady... but not for much longer. We met a year ago and just became great friends right off the bat. And now, I'm going to be with her for the rest of forever. It feels so surreal, like it's not really happenning.
Las Vegas is good. It's a very HOT summer as usual and bottled products are blowing up inside peoples cars everywhere you go. I just got done with an intense summer biology class, and it went well. I should be taknig the DAT this spring. So things are on the up.
I'll be in California next week and I can't wait to surf it up. Anyways, I wish everyone who reads this the very best. Later. |
Creado: 17 Oct 2004 Modificado: 08 Jul 2005 |
Última entrada: 16 Sep 2005 05:44:03 PM |
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