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Elder Van Chester Wright Información de contacto escondida - Entrada
Mandar Mensaje
| | | Presidentes: Duane Bruce Williams (1998 - 2001) | Hugo Boren (2001 - 2004) | Sirvió: 1999 - 2001 | Áreas: San Miguelito(Loma Nueve), Alanje(Chiriqui), Chorrera(Bella Esperanza, La Barriada, Guadalupe), Panama City(La Oficina), Chiriqui (Volcan) | Compañeros: Osman Edgardo Amador Velasquez | Brandon Chris Holbrook | Aaron M Retford | Wainwright T. Taaga | Comentarios: Que Sopa Frens!!! How are ya'll doing? Soy "El Chombo Blanco", "El Gringo Chiricano Wright". Hey, I just found this website and I think it's tan chevere'. Todavia estoy soltero. Aun estoy buscando mi "Pocahontas". Well, it's been about a year "y pico" since I've returned home. I've recently accepted a job in Engineering with Delphi Automotive Systems in Dayton, OH. I'll be working on controlled brake systems(anti-lock brakes, traction control, etc.) as a Product development engineer.
I was truly blessed to have served in the beautiful country of Panama, C.A. I could'nt imagine serving in any other mission in the world. La Mision Panama' is the greatest mission ever. I hope everyone is still strong in the gospel and enjoying the blessings of the Lord. I truly miss the mission and most of all I miss "Los Panamenos".
Cuidense todos,
Elder Van Chester Wright, Jr.
Mission 1999-2001 |
Creado: 20 Feb 2003 Modificado: 21 Feb 2003 |
Última entrada: 28 Dec 2007 09:52:19 AM |
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