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Presidente Curtis Fletcher CarmackDirección no encontrada
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Esposo(a): Melanie Maurine Zabriskie | Sirvió: 2013 - 2016 | Ex misioneros asociados | Comentarios: Curtis Fletcher Carmack, 52, and Melanie Maurine Zabriskie Carmack, five children, Short Hills Ward, Scotch Plains New Jersey Stake.
Brother Carmack is a former stake president, stake Young Men president, stake mission president, high councilor, bishopric counselor, and missionary in the Argentina Buenos Aires South Mission. Attorney, Lehman Brothers Holdings. Born in Los Angeles, Calif., to Robert Carmack and Adele Kanaga Avery.
Sister Carmack is a Primary activity day leader and a former stake Young Women secretary, ward Young Women president, counselor in ward Primary and Relief Society presidencies, visiting teaching coordinator, Relief Society teacher, and Cub Scout leader. Born in Salt Lake City, Utah, to Dale O and Miriam Kathryn Barker Zabriskie. |
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