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Hay un miembro de mi estaca quien busca a los misioneros que le bautizó. Fue en agosto de 1982, barrio de Santa Beatriz. Un Elder era de los EE./UU., y su compañero era de Piura. El nombre del miembro es Justo Enrique Quispe, y su papá se llama José Quispe. Si alguien tiene información, por favor pasa me la voz.
También busco a mi compañero el Elder Alberto Dueñas.
Dale Buys
Hey guys, just had to ask if you guys have general tips on what to bring or do when you first get there and stuff like that. Also, for my mothers curiosity, does it rain a lot? Just want to be prepared! Thank you all.
Hey amigos:
¿Tendra alguien, por si caso, un copia del himno de la misión peru lima sur? Existía durante los años 1997-1998, y luego fue retirado.
Queridos Amigos
Como sabran varios de ustedes, yo trabajo en la central de Cablemagico. Normalmente El Area de programacion nos pide cada 15 dias captar una señal del satelite que no tenemos en la programacion de cablemagico para que las Gerencias encargadas lo monitoreen y sea una posible señal que saqemos al cable ( como fue el caso de ESPN + , Animax , Biography,etc )
Hoy dia el area de programacion nos pidio que captaramos del satelite la señal de BYU Television ( Canal de Television oficial, de La Iglesia de Jesucristo de Los Santos de Los Últimos Días )la cual es muy alta calidad, con una programacion no solo religiosa, sino tambien cultural y entretenida.
La señal se tendra en monitoreo hasta el 15 de Julio aproximadamente, en forma interna para todo telefonica Multimedia.
El Motivo del correo es para que pasen la voz a todos los miembros de la Iglesia SUD que conoscan y que tengan Cable para que por medio de la web de Cablemagico envien un correo indicando con sus propias palabras su interes por esa señal para que la pongan en la programacion de Cablemagico.
Hay que aprovechar la oportunidad ya que el area de servicio al cliente va ha ver el interes por esta señal y podran ver la calidad de la misma porque la tenemos en monitoreo interno para todo Telefonica Multimedia.
Jonathan Levy Ruidias
Telf. Casa: 3263734
Celular: 990342318
Telf. Trabajo: 4480084
Quisiera mandar un saludo muy especial a todos mis ex compañeros y amigos de mision despues de 18 años,que el Señor le bendiga en todo lo que peudan necesitar.
servi com misioner en los años 88 asta 90 y me gustaria contactarme con mis ex cumpes.Miguel pinillos(calloa) Jose Rodriguez(arequipa) Victor Lozada(trujillo) Angel Coronel(chiclayo) Guillermo Olascuaga(lima)Edwin Segama(lima) Jorga Soria(iquitos) Jhon Morales(lima) JUan Cardenas(huancayo) demas amigos Julio Hertas(lima) Alejandro Ponce(callao) si escuchan algo de aguno de ellos por fabor pasarles el dato mi correo es o
Elderes y Hermanas,
I have been thinking about what I might say about the disaster caused by the 8.0 earthquake that struck off the Peruvian coast near Pisco on August 15th. I served as a missionary in Pisco, Ica, and briefly in Chincha and made many friends there some of which I am in frequent contact with. The devastation and death in Pisco and nearby areas is very serious and very real.
Please help if you can. My wife and I have been involved with some families in Pisco over the past several years and have decided to do what ever we can for them. I would only ask you to find a way to help too in some way. At the very least we can take some time to remember the people of Pisco and Ica and Chincha in our daily prayers.
Let me just briefly describe what I know of the situation in Pisco.
I got a call on the August 17th from my friend who lives in Pisco. The telephones still worked although there was no power in the city. She could barely speak she was crying so hard. She told me that they thought that it was the end of the world. The sun turned the color of blood and then was completely blocked out by the dust of falling buildings. There were strange lights everywhere and the stars appeared to fall from the sky. The ocean rose and flooded nearby buildings. People ran screaming from their homes and churches and offices. Hundreds didn't make it out and were crushed to death. The earth shook forever and then the night came. Many aftershocks continued as often as every 15 minutes. Some were as strong as magnitude 6.3 earthquakes and continued to shake apart the buildings during the night. There was no light anywhere. People struggled to find thier family and friends in the rubble. Those who could sleep tried to sleep in the streets because they dared not enter their homes. They built fires from the wreckage to stay warm against the winter cold. The babies cried all night long.
Then the looting started. My friend, who owned a small grocery store that was destroyed in the quake, was forced to sell everything she could salvage from the wreckage. To keep anything for her own family would have been to face beatings or even death from others desperate enough to take it by force. She was able to salvage and hide a few cans of tuna fish, condensed milk, a small bag of rice and sugar, and three liters of soda. There was no water anywhere. Those meager supplies fed her family and three sisters, thier husbands, and children for three days until her brother could bring food and water from Lima.
Now the earth has stopped shaking but the people are in desperate need. There is no food at the market or the store. There is no market. There is no store. Water and power have been restored to some parts of the city. Some people who fled to Lima or Tacna are beginning to return but many are not. Pisco is a wasteland of rubble. Over 85% of the buildings were destroyed. Almost no one lives in town. Most of those that stayed in the area are living in tent camps to the east of Pisco. The LDS church has turned all the chapels in the area into temporary shelters. Some food has made it through but very little. Relief vehicles were looted and the contents stolen until the soldiers arrived. Even now, not enough is available.
My friends will rebuild. They have decided to tear down the damaged store and put up a new one. They will repair the house. My wife and I will help them. Not all the survivors will be as fortunate. Some survivors will have nothing and no prospects for relief. I don't know what will become of them. Some have buried family and friends. I fear that some will die in the coming weeks. Personally, I can only do what I can do. It might only be a little and for only a few families but it is something. I humbly encourage you to consider doing something too. Please.
Your brother,
Elder Bunderson
UPDATE - 9/5/07: I now know that my friend's store was not destroyed but only damaged. The error was probably due to my current weak Spanish speaking skills and our emotional state during that first phone call. I apologize for the mistake.
Last an airplane full of food and clothes arrived from Slat Lake City to Lima, the church asked the Young Single Adults to help to pack rations for the families. Some Church Buildings are being used to shelter the homeless people from Pisco. Unfortunately we have reports of church members who died in the earthquake. There's a very sensitive issue right now around this situation, many of the help received is not well delivered to all the ones who needed. Honestly I haven't heard anything about help from church members not compromising the church, all I know that the Area South America West here has asked all the wards to prepare small food rations for the families down there. Yesterday the Bishop asked all of us her to help in this cause. This family ration contains basically food and some toiletries. This family rations costs about 53 Peruvian Soles (around $ 17 US dollars). I've received many mails from different members who want to help. As I said I don't trust that much the other institutions, just the church. On the other hand there's and asociation which develops projects for the members here, it's the My friend Henry Silva was a assistant of President Alasia in our Mission, he's currently working there, his e-mail is:, all those who want to help can talk to them cause they're working in the reconstruction part. They are building plywood houses for them. Any questions plese let me know ok?
I'm Yoshiro Coral, I served in this mission during 97-99. I know that many of you have already read the news about the southern part of my country. The aftermath has passed the half thousand dead people and hundreds of thousand people are living outdoors. Cities like Cañete, Chincha, Pisco, Ica and Nazca have been seriously affected. Pisco has been devasted in its 80%, all the city is basically in ruins. It's hard to believe but people are starving right now. For all those who have served in this mission plese helps us in these difficult times. I live in Lima with my family, all those who served with President Alasia know me very well, so If there's something I can do to help count with me, my e-mail address ok is
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