Philippines Olongapo Mission


Elder Brent Nielson

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Allen C. Christensen (1994 - 1997) | Del B. Garner (1997 - 1999)
Served: 1996 - 1998
Areas Served:
FloridaBlanca, Lubao, Castillejos, St. Agustin, Mandama, Angels, Olongapo, Orani
Richard A Drew | Mason Gordon Telen Lepou | John Nelson | Kevin R Robertson | Bo Marshall Roundy | ruelito regenio Terando
Your Occupation: Graphic Designer/Illustrator
Spouse: Emily Lloyd
I have been married since May 2002 to my beautiful, smart, funny, silly, witty, and wonderful wife Emily. We have the cutest little girl named Clarissa, she is an absolute joy. She was born in September of 2003. We bought a house in January 2005 and we are loving it! I am currently serving as First Councelor to the Bishop in my ward. I graduated from USU in May of 2004 and am now employed by Herff-Jones as a creative illustrator designing yearbook covers for schools and colleges across the country.
Created: 27 Jun 2004  Modified: 02 Dec 2005
Last Login: 02 Dec 2005 05:59:32 AM

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