Philippines Olongapo Mission


Elder Jeremy Button

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Allen C. Christensen (1994 - 1997) | Del B. Garner (1997 - 1999)
Served: 1997 - 1999
Areas Served:
Mariveles, Baliwag, Bugallon, Orion, Olongapo
Brent D Bushman | Matt Killpack | Brad Wilfert
Your Occupation: Vodafone Rental Christchurch Manager
Spouse: Yvonne Button
Kumusta sa inyong lahat. - Its great to know that such a website exists, I stumbled across this looking for other church info. To bring you up to speed with where I am at; I have been married since April 6th 2001 and have two great kids. Joshua who is 3 yrs and Tajah who is 4 months. I have had various callings since I have been home from teaching Seminary to serving on the Stake High Council - GEE it has been a long time! My family, church and work keep me busy, so there is not much time for play, except the occasional B-ball game still. I would love to hear from anyone I had the privilege to serve with or know in our wonderful mission. - LTC Namimiss Kayong Lahat!
Created: 09 Oct 2005  Modified: 10 Oct 2005
Last Login: 27 Oct 2005 02:39:48 PM

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