News Item: Chapel Updates!
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The Philippines Tacloban Mission has been blessed with newly dedicated chapels in the past year. The Ormoc Stake Center was remodeled in 2002 and rededicated by Elder/President Dallin H. Oaks on November 17th, of that same year. Elder Acebedo, Area Authority for the Philippines, dedicated the new Sogod Chapel in the Maasin District on March 9, 2003. Elder Acebedo also dedicated a new chapel in Merida in the Ormoc Stake(during the first quarter of the year 2003). President Elggren dedicated the new UEP Chapel in Northern Samar on March 16th, 2003.
A chapel is nearing completion in Carigara. The Carigara District is anxiously awaiting their first District Conference in the new building. The first fully "air con" chapel in Region VIII is under construction in Palo, Leyte on the National Highway. The Catarman District Center, the Tanauan District Center, and the Maasin District Center are each under reconstruction. They are scheduled to be completed before 2004. Each District Center will consist of a "side by side" building with a connecting hallway between the two buildings, forming an "H". The buildings will be beautful and once they have been completed, pictures will be uploaded on this alumini site for all to see!
The members of the Church are greatly blessed in the Tacloban Mission to have sacred new buildings to meet in. Thank you to all the returned missionaries who have helped to bring these great blessings into the lives of such humble people. Your service and hard work has not been forgotten. The fruits of your labors continue to grow.
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