Elder David B. KlinglerP. O. Box 697 Rexburg, ID 83440
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Presidents: Harold Gordon Hillam (1981 - 1984) | Reuben Perry Ficklin (1984 - 1987) |
Served: 1983 - 1985 |
Areas Served: #Cacem-Lybbert and Thorn*
#Faro-Swapp and Rasmussen and McCulloch*
#North Lisboa Chelas-Leggett*
#Aveiro-Carey and Kitchen*
#Lisboa/Lapa-McCulloch (again)and Rios and Meyer*
#Villa Nova de Gaia-Skabelund*
#Madeira Funchal-Hanshew and Seegmiller(Also Brown and Maldonado)* |
Companions: Kenneth Hanshew |
Your Occupation: Retail Manager |
Spouse: Jackie |
Comments: I was glad to find the mission web site. I have only been on the net for a short time. Was hoping to find more of the "old timers" from back in the old days when there was only one mission in Portugal! My favorite saying is--there are four Portuguese accents---Pure Portuguese Brazilian Portuguese American Portuguese and Idahoan Portuguese! Of course I speak Idahoan Portuguese com certeza!! I was in the Bairro district at the MTC with Nielsen, Rasmussen,David Adams,Turner, Workman and Sister Godfrey. At that time they had stopped issuing visas for Brazil. Our branch went from one of the largest at the MTC to just the seven of us. Some of the Elders originally called to Brazil were in New York Mission waiting for their visas. They sent them to Portugal--hence the "time of the Brazilians". It is great that the work is progressing that Brazil is booming and getting temples!! Puxa it's hard to believe that Portugal has three missions now! All we need is a temple for Portugal--especially since my |
Created: 05 Nov 1999 Modified: 08 Jul 2000 |
Last Login: 19 Jul 2003 04:10:11 PM |