I ran into Raul and Julia Gomes from Fogo a few months ago at the grocery store. They live in West Jordan. Their phone number is 801-835-1306 if you want to contact them. Last address they gave me was 7923 South Cold Stone Lane, West Jordan Ut, 84081. Their second daughter, Claudia, just graduated of the University of Utah in May.
Hello everyone!!! I'm looking for Sister Jones, Heather. I served with her in Mindelo 1994...
Looks like there isn't much action here. Does anyone have info on when the Lisbon temple will be done & dedicated? I looked on the church web site but it doesn't have a completion date. If there is anyone out there that knows anything please send me a message!
Mark Martin
This place doesn't seem to get a lot of action. Looks like I hadn't been here since 2005.
I am in contact with a few people on facebook:
Or follow on Twitter:
Fiquem Bem!
To all missionaries that served with Elder Clark in the Cape Verde Islands:
Come celebrate his 80th Birthday at an Open House.
When: November 6th 2010
Where: at his home
1102 N. 50 E.
Kaysville Ut. 84037
Time: 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
No Gifts Please
We sure had a great time at the Pinegar Reunion! Thanks to all that made the effort to come, including a number of you who traveled significant distances!
Gayla DuPriest Hanson forwarded me a number of pictures, which I have now posted out on the Portugal Lisbon Mission (PLSM) web site. Go to http://www.mission.net/portugal/lisbon/south/pictures.php?rows=all to see what is there!
Be sure to either register, or update your profile so we can stay in touch! I hope we got pictures of everyone who attended, but if not, please post more pictures!
I wanted to let anyone that served in Faro after 1994 know that Julio Nobrega died in October. He and his wife Fernanda were baptized in the spring of 1994 and I have kept in touch with them ever since. Fernanda is having a very hard time with his death, so if you would like their address so you can send condolences, e-mail me and I will give you the information.
Fabio Allegretti Cooper's son, Fabio Gomes Cooper (24), died in an automobile accident, just 15 days before he was to be married. Fabio writes: " A família está triste, chocada, mas confiante no Senhor, que é justo e tem propósitos que nós não conhecemos."
Our hearts and prayers go out to Fabio and Isabel and their family at this time of great loss
Carlos Pereira's wife, Michele, passed away due to injuries suffered in an accident at Bear Lake Utah on Friday, July 18. The funeral is Wednesday July 23 at 11:00 am at 1000 North 600 West, in Orem Utah. The viewings are Tuesday July 22, at 7:00 pm, and Wedesday July 23, at 10:00 am, at the same address (church).
My first comp, Antonio Samaneigo from California, has not attended any reunions. I have tried to find him but have had no luck. Any info out there?
To all of you that served under President Coleman I just wanted to let you know that he has having some problems with his leg. He has developed an open sore that hasn't healed in several months and currently undergoes treatments a couple of times a day to stem off infection and try and heal the wound.
If anyone is now in the medical field and could offer advice or treatment this would be a great opportunity. Both he and Sister Coleman appreciate emails and phone calls and the holidays would be a great time to reconnect with them. If you have any specific questions please email the Colemans at BMCol1957@aol.com or you can contact me as well at chrisbench@hotmail.com.
I was wondering if anyone has any contact with Jennifer Blackham. She is married. (Sorry, I don't recall her married name) last I heard she was in CA. If you have any info, I would appreciate it. I would love to catch up with my first mission companion!
Lisa Mainord (Clark)
I was trying to teach my wife how to play Oriol and I really confused my self. I forgot how to play It's been too long. Can anybody please explain to me the rules. That would be so helpful. Muito Obrigado!! Elder Martin
Meu nome é Simone, sou membro da Igreja de Jesus Cristo no Brasil desde 1992, e gostaria de pedir a ajuda dos irmãos da missão Portugal Lisboa Sul. Eu sou estudante numa Universidade Estadual da minha cidade e consegui uma bolsa para estudar por 1 ano na Universidade de Lisboa (Faculdade de Letras), mas infelizmente por não ter recursos financeiros suficientes para as despesas da viajem e estadia, estou prestes a perder essa grande oportunidade. Peço a todos que me ajudem com qualquer quantia que vocês puderem, eu serei eternamente grata. Me perdoem por pedir isso, mas não tive outra alternativa,a não ser apelar para a caridade daqueles que compartilham o mesmo testemunho. Muito obrigada, desde já.
Simone Oliveira Silva
Banco do Brasil
Agência: 0041-8
Conta Corrente: 62.540-X
Email: s1m_on3@hotmail.com
Endereço: Rua Branca, 07 - Conceição I
Feira de Santana - Bahia - Brasil
Tel: 55 75 8111-2602
Set your Tivos. My dad said he saw a documentary on some Cape Verde members on BYU TV. It is called "Remembered by the Lord-the Cape Verde Islands." It will be on Monday at 4:00 AM central time.
The wife and I plan on visiting Portugal in Sep 06. It has been about 22 years since I've been there, so I'm sure more than a little has changed.
I am curious about the church in Almada, Leiria, Vila Nova de Gaia and Povoa de Varzim.
If anyone has contact information for Hernani Cerqueira, please pass it on to me at pnpbrooks@hotmail.com. I will be going to Portugal in September 2006 and want to get in contact with him, or even better, let him know I am trying to get in touch with him. All of my contact information is current here on this website.
Saudades dessa terra.
Estive em missao ai em Porto, Odivelas, Barreiro, Almada. Se alguem lembrade de mim, Elder Bertemes, me mandem noticias por favor. Meu email: Badboyusa86@aol.com ou Bigshot_86@hotmail.com
Eu moro em New York, e estou aqui por 20 anos, mas sou do Brasil, Italo-germano brasileiro hehehehehhe. Casei-me e agora estou viuvo. Bem deixemos os detalhes para quando encontrarnos por aqui. Um abraco bem saudoso
Elder Carlos Augusto Bertemes
Gostaria de receber notícias dos missionários do período 85 a 87.
Afinal, ja faz bastante tempo!!!
Com amor,
Silvio Gama
I'm so interested in knowing what happened with Maria Joao Bento and Alberto. They had 5 children that got baptised while I was there - Adilson, Marcio, Bella, Mircea and Marta. Does anyone know if the boys went on missions? They belonged to the Ramo de Cascais. Any news on what happened to them after 2000 would be great! Obrigada!
trying to find some contact info for any of the following families I knew when serving from 93-95. anything that you can provide would be helpful
Bispo Luise Sofia Bernardo Silva (Corroios)
Angela Dionisio (Corroios)
Abel & Paula Chaves (Corroios)
The Coelho family (Olhao - any member in Olhao will know this family)
Thanks for your help!
Hello all,
I was just wondering how many of us are out here on the East Coast. Would anyone be interested in having a reunion? If so, I'd be happy to help throw one together. If you're at all interested at getting together, please email me at smleavitt@gmail.com.
Shannon Murdock Leavitt
Hey, I ran into Antonio Brazao (from Praia) in Provo and heard from Pilau Cardoso (Pilau de Itanta from Fogo) in New Bedford. I Raulinho from Fogo live in West Jordan Ut - if you all know of any other CV's in the USA, post it up here with e-mail if you have 'em.
For those of you interested in some of the content from the mission during the 90's, (Pasta da Missao, Hinos da Missao, and songs from the album "Quem Sou Eu" (produced in 1993), go here and try some of the dates listed. Not all function, so try a few. Also, note that the missionary database is not functional, nor is every link from every archive. Good luck. http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.morte.com/mission/mission.html
My name is Tim Garrick and I served in the Lisbon South Mission from Nov. 97-99.
Recently, I was chatting with Jose Carlos “Carlitos” Pinto Mendes, of the Cape Verde Mindelo District Presidency. (He was formerly the branch president of Mindelo I) He said his district has great need of church attire for the members. He mentioned mostly white shirts, but they could also use slacks, suits, ties and skirts and dresses. He asked me if I would forward this request to all the alumni of the Lisbon South and Cape Verde Missions.
I will organize a collection of clothes in the coming weeks and will send out more information through the alumni website.
Anyone willing to help to contact me at 480.830.4851 or tgarrick@frogonarock.org?
I am very anxious to help, but feel a bit overwhelmed, so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I appreciate your help.
Tim Garrick
Can anyone help me? I am attempting to find an address or e-mail address for Tyler Mandin. If you have this information could you please contact me?
There were a couple of items left behind from the Mission Reunion held with Pres. Costa last March. The items include a glass casserole dish, a Portuguese triple combination with a brown leather cover, and a blue spiral bound notebook. The items are in the lost and found box at the Jordan Institute (same place the reunion was held).
I'm looking for all of the mission words to the song "As I Have Loved You." The second and third verses. I cannot find them.
One of my favorite companions was Elder Pfile. Does anyone know his email address? I know he lives in Montana and I think he is a UPS driver. He served from 92 to 94.
Email me at houstonryan@hotmail.com
Ryan Houston
Olá, galera!
Eu quero agradecer às pessoas que têm me mandado e-mails me parabenizando por ser batizado na Igreja.
Pelo visto, os SUDs portugas parecem ser muito receptivos.
Um abraço do mais novo brazuca registrado neste site.
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