Elder Mike Wilks Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Thomas Dean McCook (1987 - 1990) | Roland Douglas Holt (1990 - 1991) |
Served: 1988 - 1990 |
Areas Served: Mem Martins, Sines, Que Luz, Almada, Sines, Cascais, Larenjeiro. |
Companions: David Keith Baugh | Ken Doig | Jay Hinton | William Joe Jacobs | Brett Levitre | Andy Naylor |
Your Occupation: Sales |
Spouse: Michele |
Comments: Elders,
I was taking a stroll down memory lane recently and remembered what a sweet Missionary experience I had in Portugal. I have many of you to thank for helping me and teaching me during my mission.
I am living in the Phoenix area working as a salesman. I married Michele about a year after returning from my mission. we have three kids and are expecting twins at the end of March. Yes, that makes five!
I would love to hear from you. |
Created: 02 Feb 2004 Modified: 08 Feb 2004 |
Last Login: 07 Oct 2012 03:09:09 PM |