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 John SallayAddress not available
Current Address Sacavém, Lisboa
Contact: Iva Sallay - Send Email
MTC Entry Date: 2004-05-12 |
Return Date: 2006-05-12 |
Areas Served: Sacavém |
Companions: Scott Robison | Jeffrey Michael Zwick |
Comments: MTC - Elder Zwick
Sacavém - Elder Robison, Elder Petroff
John's been in the mission for some time now and he's enjoying himself. He's getting better at the language too and has had a few baptisms. He's still in Sacavém, a branch just north of Lisbon in the Lisbon stake. His trainer has left him and his companion now is Elder Petroff, who apparently everyone likes because he can play piano. Pray for him and write. |
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