Comments: Fernando Jose Duarte De Araujo, 35, assigned to the Portugal Lisbon South Mission Castelao Branch, Fortaleza BrazilMontese Stake stake president, former stake president's counselor, bishop, district counselor served in Brazil S�o PauloSouth Mission, 1977-79 regional coordinator for Church Educational System received degrees from Escola TecnicaFederal and from Ceara Federal University born in Cacimbinha, Alagoas, Brazil, a son of Sebastiao Fortunato and IzauraDuarte Laranjeira Araujo - married Maria Aparecida Rolim - five children. She is a stake Young Women's president, formerward Primary president, Young Women president, Relief Society president, stake theater director, Sunday School teacher - attended the Federal University of Ceara - born in Sao Paulo, Brazil, a daughter of Jose David and Raimunda Edwirges Souza Rolim.
They have 5 children, the 3 oldest ( Fernando, Raquel e David) are married in the TempleE-Mail: Current Address: Rua Serafim Lucca # 181 Santa Felicidade Curitiba-Pr Brasil CEP 82320-400 Phone: (011)(55)(41) 272-7404 or 272-8320 Note: 011=Get out of US 55= Brazil's Country Code 41= Curitiba's City Code