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Sister Deborah Ann Perry Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: George K. Jarvis (1999 - 2002) | Served: 2000 - 2002 | Areas Served: Constanta, Ploiesti, Bucharest sectorul 3 | Companions: Julie Broderick | Ruth Alice Brown | Meagan Call | Jodi A Donais | Melissa Hymas | Ruth Knapp (Jakob) | Michelle(Shellee) Stevenson | Michelle Younkin (Stevenson) | Your Occupation: Student | Comments: *To begin with, I served with Sora Jacob, Sora Stevenson, Sora Call, and Sora Cosma as well, but their names aren't on the list.
I am currently pursuing my B.S. degree as SUU and am majoring in interpersonal communication and public relations. This summer I hope to go to Mississippi for an internship. And after I graduate I want to go to Washington State for my masters degree.
I've been serving as the Relief Society president in my college ward this year and have loved every second. And while this calling is challenging, I've grown in my understanding and appreciation for the gosple.
I miss all of my companions, friends, Elders, and the Jarvises. You are all people who have enriched and bettered my life. The experiences we have shared will be part of who I am forever. I look forward to seeing you soon.
I love you all,
Debbi :) |
Created: 02 Apr 2003 Modified: 02 Apr 2003 |
Last Login: 08 Sep 2003 08:23:34 PM |
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