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Any of you who served in Volgograd probably know and love Olga Davydova. She was recently diagnosed with cancer and needs our help to raise funds for chemotherapy. She already has a decent amount, but she's short $2300. I'm collecting money to send to her. If you can help, even if it's only $5, I know she would greatly appreciate it.
You can donate via Paypal (https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=5767519). You can enter how much you want to donate. Any money collected in excess of the $2300 will be donated to the general missionary fund.
She needs this soon. The longer she waits to begin treatment, the greater risk she takes.
Thank you for your help! I know it will mean a lot to Olga.
With warmest regards,
Erik Buras
Served 1999-2001
Received this info from BYU's Kennedy Center and thought people here might be interested.
PAE, a Lockheed Martin company, is seeking adventurous Russian linguists looking for challenges and rewards overseas. Linguists work directly with Department of Homeland Security and INS officials as part of the special refugee processing program established in Moscow.
Primary Duties and Responsibilities:
Processes applications in Russian and English for refugee status in accordance with INS and Department of State regulations and procedures.
Explains in Russian about American immigration requirements and related Russian/NIS formalities as currently understood.
Drafts and types telegrams, reports, and corresponds on consular matters.
Understands and is able to administer the visa quota control system.
Must have two years of office experience generally related to the duties of the position.
A BA or BS degree may be substituted for work experience requirements.
Must possess great discretion and tact.
Must type at least 40 WPM.
Russian language ability at the 3/3 level is required, and candidates will be tested for fluency in Russian.
Benefits include, but are not limited to:
Work in U.S. Embassy, Moscow
One- or two-year (renewable) employment contracts
Free furnished housing and utilities (comparable to efficiency housing in the U.S.)
Transportation to and from Russia provided
Five weeks paid annual vacation and up to twenty U.S. and local holidays
Medical and dental benefits
Be a part of the diplomatic community
Single or single plus spouse status
Send resume to:
PAE Government Services, Inc.
1525 Wilson Blvd, Suite 900
Arlington, VA 22209
Fax (703) 717-6195
E-mail: paemoscow@paegroup.com
Phone: (800) 405-6599
Apply online: www.pae-moscow.com
Applicants selected will be subject to security investigation and must meet eligibility requirements for access to classified information.
I'm looking for President Robert B. Schwartz email!
Does anyone have contact information for Afto and Lela from Rostov. They went to the Severny Branch but lived in the Oktyabersky Branch. I have lost their information and I want to contact them.
Marina Kulbakina from Krasondar is in Salt Lake City. She would like to hear from any former missionaries and friends. You can email her at ja-rina@mail.ru.
Thanks to my posting here I was contacted by the former Ksenia Kuznetzova formerly of the Celmash branch and recieved much news, including the contact info for sister Shabanova. So Pyoter Bytyenko is the branch president now and has a whole houseful of kids! Zdorova!
Hi , I need help, wife and baby in Bataysk kuybyshev street, hospital, baby division, 4th floor rm 4, baby 1 yr old is sick and need a blessing for Pavel Robertovich Andersen, and possible break for my wife Lyudmila Andersen at hospital, if someone can cover her at times, have other child 4 year old, i think at kindergarden, with 80 year old aunt and friend that works, lives at Lyuda's house phone 86354-50456. need contact Selmarsh Branch/someone, baby in hospital for another month. sorry I do not speak Russian, if there is a number I can call someone or my e-mail robertovna@wmconnect.com or andersen49@mail.ru, thanks if any one can help or pass message sincerely Robert
I have a friend who just got called to that mission and went into the MTC just barely. I was wondering if anyone wanted to give me any info they have on that mission like what things I could expect with e-mailing and sending packages. Thanks.
Hey anyone who has been to the mission or has a son/daughter serving could maybe help me. I have a boyfriend who just went into the MTC and I would like any information about e-mailing, what the rules are about that, if packages got there in the mission, what your experience was like, or any other information you would like to share with me. I would really appericiate. Thanks
I am looking for any contact info for the current president or anyone in the mission who might be ablr to help me find an old friend. I baptized a woman in Rostov (in the Celmash branch) named Luba Shabanova. A few months after her baptism, her husband took his own life. This was extremely trying for her, but the gospel and the branch were instrumental in helping her through it. In the Spring of 1998 she moved to a remote area and sometime the next year her only son, Misha, was killed by a sniper in Chechnya. I kept contact with her for a couple of years after my mission, but I have lost her address. She has had a lot of sore trials and after she moved away from an area where the church was her testimony waned. I think of her (and many others) often and lately I have felt strongly that I should write to her again. I'm sure a letter from an old friend would brighten her day if nothing else. Also, November of this year will mark 10 years since her husband's death. He was a good man and a very good friend to me and I would like to get a letter to her if I can by November. I think she lives somewhere near Shakhti but I don't remember for sure. If you could help me or if you know how to contact the current mission president I would be grateful.
Jared Grigg
Hey everyone! I'm so excited to serve in the Rostov mission and have only heard great things about it. I had a question about my passport application and was wondering if you guys remembered what you put for the travel section where it asks for the date of trip, length, and countries to be visited. Do I just put my MTC entry date and then 18 months and Russia? Thanks!
I know alot of you have been moving on with your new lives. I wish you all the best. I hope that you will all keep in touch and remember the wonderful moments we shared.
seven months ago I was married to Galina Grigorova. That was on 26-th of march 2005. we were sealed on 5-th of april 2005 in Freiberg tempel, Germany.
Hi everyone, i just want to tell you a great news, me and elder Dave Stivers are getting married on May 14, 2005.
Elen Kuznyetsova.
I currently have a friend serving in the Russia-Rostov mission (he's actually in Krasnodar right now). I want to send him a package, but I lost the package address. If somebody knows it, could you please e-mail it to thestatsgirl@yahoo.com? Thank you! - Kelly
Steve Buchanan is getting married to Laura Murray August 5, 2004 in the SL Temple. There will be a reception Thursday August 5 from 6:30 to 8:30 in Taylorsville at the Stonewood LDS building. The address is 6054 So. 3500 W. in Taylorsville Utah (enter from 6200 So.)
Does anyone have any contact information for Brother and Sister Young (preferrably email or phone). They were the missionary couple in Krasnodar around 1998-2000! Please email me at traviskorr@yahoo.com or torr@atr.org.
Hi this is T.J. Oram. Did any of you know Joseph (The black guy from liberia) from Rostov. He is a member there now. Well he was shot in the head last year. He lived, but he is out of money. He has to take his practical for med school, but he has not paid for med school yet. He hasn't heard from his family because of the war in liberia. He needs four hundred dollars to pay for school or he will be kicked out. I can give a little. Can anyone else help? He needs the money before next week. email me trentlibbieoram@yahoo.com
If anybody is looking for married housing in Provo, I know of a basement apartment for rent about 2 miles from campus. Quiet neighborhood, and quiet neigbors. Washer/dryer included Contact me for all the details at vxsox@juno.com
Hi everybody,
I recently finished my MBA with emphasis in international management and am looking for work (preferably with Western company) in Russia or the CIS. I'm finding it quite difficult to track down American businessmen in Russia. If anyone knows of any such people who I could contact, I would be very appreciative.
Thanks for your help,
Brian Gulbransen
(303) 688-2588
On Friday, April 4, 2003, there will be a mission reunion for those who served in the Rostov Mission under Siwachok, Schwartz, and Arnold. It starts at 6 pm, and includes dinner at 6:30 pm. The cost is $5 per plate. RSVP to Pres. Schwartz' email address ASAP: schwartzr@byui.edu--this is important so there will be enough food! Spread the word! See you there!!
The address is 3350 S. 100 E., Bountiful, Utah. It is an LDS Church. Directions are as follows: Take exit 318 off I-15 whether traveling northbound or southbound. This puts you on 2600 S. Go east to 500 W. and turn south, then go to 3100 S. and turn east. Go east to 100 E. and then south to 3350 S. and there it is!
If you have questions, you can email Pres. Schwartz or call the Schwartz' at (208) 356-3069.
My father is going to give me a ticket to Russia for graduation in April, so I am going. Unfortunately, I do not have very many addresses or any phone numbers. If you could help me out by sending them to me I would be extremely grateful. Specificially, I am looking for Armen and Anaid's phone number or address, actually any of the Armenians in the West in Rostov will do. I also want try and contact Eva and Eva in Krasnodar or President Posmetukha. In Volgograd I am trying to find Evald, Raisa, Slava, and Artyom. Sorry that I do not have any last names, but I have forgotten them...tramvai do strange things to your brain when they hit you. Please contact me by phone at the number on the website or send me what you have at mrb29@email.byu.edu. Thanks a lot.
hi. does anyone have an address or e-mail for Sam Pinson? I would really like to contact him. Thanks.
My e-mail: steviewub78@aol.com
Sister Siwachok passed away on Friday January 3, 2003 from lung cancer. Furneral services for her will be held in Ashton, Idaho on Tuesday Janjuary 7, 2003 at 11:00 AM in the 3rd and 4th Ward LDS Church Building in Ashton. It is on Main Street across from the cemetary. There will also be a viewing the night before (Monday January 6, 2003). If you would like to contribute to flowers and a gift, you can contact me. Also, if you are planning on attending the services, please contact me. President Siwachok has asked the missionaries to sing a number at the furneral and I am trying to coordinate it.
Paul Goodman
We are trying to get in contact with Elder Jeff Petty who served in Rostov Mission 1997-1999. Does anyone have phone# or email?
Please email us at:
hey! everybody
we got back home from the Sweden Temple
it was amazing the second MSN president of
Rostov MSN president and sister Schwartz were there and first MSN president Siwachek was the sealer
it was cool surprise
life is getting a bit harder for us
we are trying to know each other
but you know it takes some time
monday we had first family home eve
and today we are going to go on a split with elders!
oh i mean Ksenia will go with sister (there are three of them here
at a moment) and i'll be with elders
you know! it is the only thing you can do that gives you
such satisfaction and joy
pictures are almost ready i'll scan some for you!
we love you
Ksenia and Ilia
Hello everybody!
It's Natalia Kabanova. I served as sister Bogdanova in the Rostov Mission from 1996-1998. Now I work in a travel company named Executive Assistant International. Almoust all people who work in EAI are members of the church. EAI specializes in assisting people interested in visiting Russia for personal,child adoption,business and educational propeses. EAI will issue and coordinate all visa support needs necessary to visit Russia.
EAI has many options for accommodation in Russia, from hotels and hostels to apartment stay and host family B&B’s and also provides great variety of customer servies, such as transportation, tour guiding,ticket booking,etc.
We have a big experience in working with missionary's families, that came to Russai to pick up and bring their missionaries home(have many references).We would appreciate the opportunity to assist you in travel needs and help you to cut your expenses during your trip in Russia.
For more information, please contact me at kabanovanv@mtu-net.ru
Natalia Kabanova
[posted on behalf of Hannah Gibb]
I have been asked to help with finding people to do some interpreting for couples and families who have and are going to adopt children from Russia. If there are any of you out there who live relatively close to Salt Lake and could help families and their adopted children make this transition in their lives easier by interpreting, please contact me, Hannah Gibb.
I've been out once to help a girl at a Young Women meeting. It was so much fun. I don't know if it's kosher to leave my number, but please feel free to contact me via the webmaster. (I believe that's how this is supposed to work now.) Please leave me your phone number if you can help and I will pass it on to the woman who requested my help.
Thanks so much!!
Hannah Anitta Gibb
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"You are a great army of returned missionaries. Go forward with new zeal and determination, and through your example shine the light of the gospel in this troubled world. This is the Lord's work in which we are engaged. God lives. Jesus is the Christ. We belong to His Church. This is my witness to you in the name of Jesus Christ, amen."