News Item: Sister Siwachok has Cancer
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This message is from Sister Thurman
Hello, Everyone!
For those of you who do not know, I am sorry to be the bearer of bad
Sister Siwachok has been diagnosed with cancer on her lung. They were serving a temple mission in Sweden until July, when they had to return to the States for concrete medical answers. She has been operated on twice to remove fluid from her lung and, hopefully, to prevent it from accumulating
there again. President brought her home to Ashton, Idaho just last night.
She is resting, but very very weak. Because of the medication she was on while she was at the hospital, she is still nauseated and having
difficulty getting anything down. She has had three chemotherapy treatments, but the
doctor anticipates she will need 9-10, total. President indicated that the chemotherapy seems to be helping, but with her current weak condition she cannot receive any more treatments. After talking with President this morning I felt so helpless and far away.
know we all wish there was something we could do. Well, I had an idea but need your help to make it happen. I want to compile a scrapbook of memories for Sister Siwachok, but the only memories I have are my own. As a consultant for Creative Memories, I have all of the supplies to put together this memory album, but I need your pictures and your memories. Hereis what I need you to do:
Choose your favorite current picture of yourself and your family OR your favorite picture of you with Sister Siwachok from the mission. I think she would prefer a current picture, but I will leave that up to you to
decide. Mail that picture to me today or tomorrow
Arminda Thurman
3515 Smoketree Drive
Greensboro, NC 27410
-Include your favorite memory of Sister Siwachok. Please type the memory
so that I am sure to be able to read it and don't have to waste any time
> interpreting:)
-Please keep the memory short -- to about a paragraph so we have room
for everyone's thoughts
-Make sure I have all of your current contact information: address,phone number, e-mail address, names of spouse and children, and I will include all of that information in the album.-If you need to call me and talk with me directly, please do (I'd
love to hear from you anyway:)
336 288 2799
-Contact EVERYONE you know from the mission and ask them to do the
We have to get this message out today!
Realistically, everyone can get this in the mail today or tomorrow
and I can have everything I need to compile the album during Conference this
weekend. Then, I can mail it at the beginning of next week. We want Sister
Siwachok to know we love her, we are thinking about her, we are praying for her and
we believe in her. Let's really pull together on this and make a difference
in her life, just like she made a difference in all of ours.
I love you all and am anxiously awaiting your letters.
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"You are a great army of returned missionaries. Go forward with new zeal and determination, and through your example shine the light of the gospel in this troubled world. This is the Lord's work in which we are engaged. God lives. Jesus is the Christ. We belong to His Church. This is my witness to you in the name of Jesus Christ, amen."