Sister Molly St. Clair Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Gary N. Anderson (1996 - 1998) |
Served: 1996 - 1998 |
Areas Served: Petrogradski, Kolpina, Kupshina |
Companions: Mary Anderson (Tate) | Karin Brooks (Hardman) | Rebecca Marie Fenwick (Loftus) |
Your Occupation: supervisor |
Spouse: none |
Comments: I have had just about every calling there is in a singles ward, even the ones that they give you just so you'll have a calling (like the saftey committee), my favorite being the temple committee. Since my mission I have been a liftie at a ski resort, a math tutor (liked tutoring), almost a math teacher(hated teaching), a dangerous mountain biker(1st date gone awry), and am now a grocery store superviser, an accounting student and am at the beck and call of my 3 year old boston terrior. |
Created: 10 Jul 2004 Modified: 10 Jul 2004 |
Last Login: 29 Jul 2004 02:23:36 PM |