Sister Maren Miller Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Gary N. Anderson (1996 - 1998) |
Served: 1997 - 1998 |
Language(s) spoken:Russian |
Companions: Sarah Fairbanks | Jennifer L Lund (Heap) | Haylee Prete (Stout) | Sharon Beverly Varga |
Your Occupation: Boys & Girls Club Director |
Comments: I guess it's time that I filled in the blanks. I don't have a picture of my cute kids to put up. Actually, my kids wouldn't all fit in one picture (and their parents probably wouldn't appreciate me posting it on the web). I work at a Boys & Girls Club so I have about 100 kids. They are cute and naughty and drive me crazy and I LOVE my job! I'm a bit of a workaholic, but at least it's for a good cause, right?
I'm still enjoying the single life and I really mean that. Who knew it could be so fun to be in your 30's and single? I'm off to Zimbabwe for the third time in a couple of weeks. I will also be taking kids to Costa Rica in April for Spring Break. That will give me almost every continent, except for Austrailia (which I can't bring myself to go to now that the Crocodile Hunter isn't there anymore), and Antartica (and really, wasn't Russia cold enough?)
Anyway, I hope you are all well and finding adventure and happiness wherever you are. If you are ever in the Rose Park area and want to come and hang out with a bunch of crazy kids, stop by my Club. It's never boring! |
Created: 06 Mar 2006 Modified: 02 Feb 2007 |
Last Login: 12 Jul 2007 10:08:53 AM |