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Elder Joseph B. Everett Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Charles Creel (1992 - 1993) | Thomas Rogers (1993 - 1996) | Served: 1992 - 1994 | Areas Served: Kupchino, Ploshchad' Muzhestvo, Tsentral'nyy, Shuvalovskiy, Primorsaya (group and branch) | Companions: Eric Baxter | Roderic Ewan Buttimore | Ivan M Christiansen | Christopher L Eastland | Greg Dennis Nelson | John D.L. Rather | Brigham B. Redd | Igor V Rudich | Spouse: Judith Hale Everett | Comments: After my mission, I returned to school at BYU. I worked at the MTC 1994-1996. I graduated from BYU with a degree in Family History/Genealogy and Russian in 1996. I now work for the Family History Department of the Church in the Family History Library. (Dec 1996-present). My work there involves analyzing and cataloging genealogical materials from archives in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, and the Baltic states. I also provide reference service and teach classes on East European history and genealogy. My wife, Judith, and I were married in the Manti Temple in 1994. We have two children, Rachel, born 1 January 1996, and Ruth, born 7 September 1997. We are expecting our third child in February 2001. |
Created: 22 Aug 1998 Modified: 21 Dec 2000 |
Last Login: 14 Jul 2001 03:42:51 PM |
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