 | Elder Richard Joseph DeLongProspekt Svobody Kiev, Ukraine
Current Address Kiev, Ukraine
Send Email
http://www.tryukraine.com |
Presidents: Gary N. Anderson (1996 - 1998) | Roland Datwyler (1998 - 2001) |
Served: 1996 - 1998 |
Areas Served: Ploschad Muzhestva, Kaliningrad, Pushkin, Office, Vyborg |
Companions: Christopher Michael Andrews | Andrew Owen Ault | Adam T. Blodgett | Ian James Davis | Roger Timothy Ellingson | Sean David Flanagan | Brandon Todd Larsen | Eric Mcarthur | Shaun Mark Smith |
Your Occupation: Sort of a consultant |
Spouse: - |
Comments: Living in Ukraine since 2001 and enjoying life. FYI, currently nonreligious. Just spent 9 days biking around the Austrian Alps. Enjoy hiking and biking, adventure, relationships, thinking and learning, nature, different cultures and languages, playing the guitar. I lead a self-centered life but dream of helping the world:) |
Created: 07 Oct 1998 Modified: 07 Mar 2005 |
Last Login: 07 Mar 2005 10:42:14 AM |