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  Slovenia/Croatia Mission

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2010 Mission Reunion 27 Mar 2010
We are going to have a get together for those interested in seeing fellow former missionaries. It is happening in Bountiful at Matt Een's place. If you can make it (since I don't follow anyone's lives very closely) please RSVP so Matt will have a count.".

Event: The Bountiful Croatian Party
What: Reunion
Start Time: Friday, April 2 at 7:00pm
End Time: Friday, April 2 at 11:00pm
Where: Matt Een's House

To see more details and RSVP, follow the link below:
Jeremy Schwendiman Mandar Mensaje
Montenegro 24 Sep 2009
I may be moving with my family to Podgorica, Montenegro. Does anyone know what missionary activity is like there? Is there a branch? Anything?
Michelle (Penfield Slovenija 1997)
Michelle Fowler Mandar Mensaje
looking for someone 30 Nov 2008
I am looking for someone from Slovenia who served in the Salt Lake City Mission in 1994. I only know him by Elder Juhart. He was one of the missionaries who taught me and performed my confirmation at my baptism. I was 17 at the time and my name was Kari Taylor. Today marks the 14th year since my baptism and I would like to try to get in touch with him if possible, either by mailing address or by email address.
Kari Christiansen Mandar Mensaje
summer in Belgrade 29 Mar 2008
Hi, I'm a member of the Church from Pittsburgh, PA, and I'll be working as an intern this summer in Belgrade (out of the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law). Another student and I will be there from the first of June to the end of July. Does anyone know of a way to contact maybe a branch president or something in Belgrade to ask a few questions about housing and whatnot? If any of you have advice about reasonable housing near downtown or other practical advice please let me know. Thanks for your help!
chan b Mandar Mensaje
Travel 24 Jan 2008
I'm planning on picking up my son at the end of his mission. He's serving in Croatia. Any tips and suggestions? Thank you.
Michael Robert Zimmerman Mandar Mensaje
Email 23 Jan 2008
President Weight is my former stake president and I am also of Slovenian decent. I would like to get in touch with President Weight via email on a family history question. If you could, would you send me his email address or his current secretaries email address?

Thank you.
Steven Klauser Mandar Mensaje
cold feet cont. 17 Jan 2008
another touch on my first message, are the streets in serbia plowed well is it icy in the winter? bad enough to need boots? how is it in the country, out of the citie? like is it muddy and stuff?
sorry for the spelling.
Tyler Jay Christensen Mandar Mensaje
Cold feet? 17 Jan 2008
So i always have trouble keeping my feet warm, what would be the best idea of what i sould do? should i get boots? better socks?
thank you
Tyler Jay Christensen Mandar Mensaje
Power Adapters 12 Sep 2007
I was wondering if any missionaries or R.M.s had suggestions about power adapters. Is it worth buying voltage converters or should I just buy small appliances like shavers and alarm clocks over there. Also, does the power fry digital cameras? Thanks.
Elder Singer

p.s. - I report to the MTC on Sept. 19th so I won't be able to get replys posted any later. Thanks
Jordan R. Singer Mandar Mensaje
Mission Call~ 13 Jul 2007
To Everyone~~

I received my mission call to the Slovenia/Croatia Mission Slovene speaking. I am so excited for this opportunity. I am looking for any tips on packing and the food, and mostly what things are hard to get there in slovenia so that i can bring them from the US. any ways thanks in advance and does anybody else report on November 14th or know any body who does?

Thanks again~
Elder Millington
Devon Scott Millington Mandar Mensaje
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